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Error: you already have the maximum quantity available for this product

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When I click "add to cart" button,

The browser alerts:

"You already have the maximum quantity available for this product"and the products can't be added to cart.



Current version: PrestaShop™


Back Office>>Preferences>>Products

Minimum purchase total required in order to validate order:0

Display last quantities when qty is lower than:0

Max items in the comparator:0.



Everything was ok before I updated to version, I didn't change setting after the update. just imported the images by csv, and days later find that the products can't be added to cart with an alert: "You already have the maximum quantity available for this product".


I searched this forum and find no answer.

Customers can't place an order through shopping cart.

So what can I do with it?



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Hi Mike,


Can't I stop the 3 tables below collecting information?






These 3 tables slow down the shop loading badly and I keep being warned by host administrator.


I cleared the 3 tables and it works fine, I learned it from this post: post

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However, I cleared the 3 days again yesterday, and I got the warning again from host today as you see this post


Why I keep being warned?


There are members posted this issues and nobody get resolved compeletly. Most of them got no reply.


What can we do with this issue?

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Hi nob2b,

I'm sorry I haven't gotten back to you until now, for some reason my notifications didn't work on this thread. It seems to me that you're asking two very different questions on this topic, so I have to ask you to split them up. I'm looking into your initial question now, but I cannot help you with anything else posted in this thread unless you put it in its own topic. This way, others will be more likely to help you as well if they know what you're looking for from the start.



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