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Error During Installing PS 8.1.1 php7433

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19 minutes ago, ComGrafPL said:

Have you tried manual installation? On early created database.

So I deleted the folder with the store and dropped the table and started from scratch
Now I get the following error

Can you tell me more about

21 minutes ago, ComGrafPL said:

manual installation

because I just followed the standard way of setting up a store

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3 hours ago, qruim said:

xampp 3.3.0
php 7.4.33

Prestashop favors 8.1


Check if you have all requierements installed


@luca8519 you still need to give us more details.
Same Xamp, which php version what did you do freshly install or or or.



51 minutes ago, luca8519 said:

I'have the same problem, i try to install manually and the issue is the same.

Samone can help me?



Edited by Nickz (see edit history)
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18 hours ago, Nickz said:

you need to have all requierements satisfied.

I've followed the documentations. I enabled all the libs required and setup everything, and still experiencing the same issue.


First installation report an error on ps_edition_basic, then an error on query and then "500 server internal error". Tried both manual and standard installation...

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17 hours ago, Nickz said:


your server stasts are?

PHP Version, Theme, Presta Version.

I've erase everything this morning, and now i manage to make it works.

I've followed the guideline (Apache2 2.4 >=, PHP 8.1 with all extentions enabled) and everything work fine. I manage to make it works only on linux at the moment  

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