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Double slash


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Hi. HELP please

An error keeps coming up and I am trying to fix it. It seems to randomly add an extra slash after the domain name.


it should be https://loki-crafts.com/index.php or https://looki-crafts.com/admin/ but from time to time it comes up with https://loki-crafts.com//index.php and I can't find where or why to correct the error. When it happens, it looses the style sheet.


Anyone see this with before? PLEASE HELP

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Please provide context when you ask a question: when did this problem arise? In a new installation? After an upgrade? After moving to another server/domain? Suddenly?

Obviously somewhere there is a slash too much in your code. So it will contain "/index.php" instead of "index.php". However, without context it is hard to say where.

Edited by musicmaster (see edit history)
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Thank you for responding.

A new install, I've only added mods, no code hacking. I first noticed it about 2 days after first installing the system. Once place that it turns up in in the admin page, the "View my shop" link has "https://loki-crafts.com//"

I've even looked over the .htaccess thinking its a rewrite rule.

Screenshot from 2021-03-23 13-35-09.png

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49 minutes ago, LokiSmith said:

Thank you for responding.

A new install, I've only added mods, no code hacking. I first noticed it about 2 days after first installing the system. Once place that it turns up in in the admin page, the "View my shop" link has "https://loki-crafts.com//"

I've even looked over the .htaccess thinking its a rewrite rule.


The first page to look is Settings -> SEO&Urls.

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I found the block in the picture, deleted the "/" in the "Base URI" and it came back. Nothing on the 2 domain lines.

Also, when I saved it, it refreshed the page with some errors related to the blog mod. Might have to remove it but I don't see that making this problem. I've removed most of the mods that aren't even being used but I can't see that being the problem ether.


Again, THANK YOU for helping. The system is live and the shop owner is adding products finely working around the "//" problem that comes up in the admin and the store front. We have been just removing the extra when it happens.

Screenshot from 2021-03-28 13-33-01.png

Screenshot from 2021-03-28 13-29-23.png

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55 minutes ago, LokiSmith said:

This just started in the last 12 hours and I've been trying to find it for about 2 hours now. Everything was working till the midnight log rotation. The only thing I'm finding is that PHP is making an error.

Did you enable debug mode? What is the php error?

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10 hours ago, LokiSmith said:

I disabled the MailChimp mod and is back. Still have the double // in https://loki-crafts.com// but its running again.


It seems that it upgraded php to version 8 and now I have errors all over the place. The latest is the PayPal lost the curl.


Prestashop 1.7.7 isn't even fully compatible with PHP 7.4. So trying 8.0 is a waste of time.

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On 3/29/2021 at 11:34 PM, musicmaster said:

Prestashop 1.7.7 isn't even fully compatible with PHP 7.4. So trying 8.0 is a waste of time.

We are running and up until the system updated to php 8 and did not install the add-in mods, all was good except to double slash. I'm working on getting the php add-ins back for 7.2 but that still does not fix the double slash.



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Problem was solved at long last. In the ps_shop_url the database had an extra slash. Many thanks goes to Pululu K for the fix that toke less time then to install Slack. For anyone else that has this problem, remove the / from virtual_uri.


Screenshot from 2021-04-02 10-32-59.png

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