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Variable to display total products?


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Hello everyone,

I currently have a "we have x products" hardcoded section on my homepage. I'm wondering if there is a variable available to display the total products? I have checked the {debug} variables.

It would also be great to be able to display total brands and categories.


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You mean the total products in your shop?
Regardless of the version I think the easiest way is to code a simple module, hook it to the homepage and use a simple query like SELECT COUNT(id_product) from *prefix*product and return a string, even without template.
Here is how to make a simple module, the video down the page


Apart from that I doubt there is a variable already available, at least as far as I know.
Or, you can use an override of FrontController.php, using the same query, and then adding the text in any template you choose.

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Many thanks for your reply.

Yes that is correct, I was wondering if there was a pre-existing variable.

Thanks for confirming there isn't. In this case it makes sense for me to hardcode as there's only a slight time saving to having this dynamic.

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