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PrestaShop Alpha new features, what do you think about them ?

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Hi everyone,


PrestaShop alpha was released a few days ago.


(You can download it at the bottom of the download page http://www.prestashop.com/en/downloads/)


You have had a few days to test it and to play with it. So, what do you think of the new features? Do you find them great? Do you have some suggestions on how to improve them?


Do not hesitate to post and tell us!

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A couple of suggestions:

  1. It would be very helpful if you could provide a list of top-level features, especially key new features. This way people will be able to focus their efforts.
  2. And a somewhat dramatically bold suggestion: If you could set up a demo of the latest SVN version (e.g. Alpha right now), it could help you gather a ton more feedback because many users who might not otherwise be able or willing to install the alpha would suddenly be enabled to test and respond. (just so there's no confusion, I am not requesting replacing the demo of the latest stable version, nor am I asking to add the Alpha demo to the demo tab on the website...just to create a demo and provide the link here, perhaps)

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What about opening a thread for each major feature ex Cart Pricing, Promotions & Loyalty, BO, Logistics.

I'd have the possibility to contribute with business process writing based on my experience because I'm handicapped at code writing ?

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It would be really nice if I could at least install prestashop - stuck with the same sexy error message 'A Prestashop database already exists, please drop it or change the prefix.'


Ah well..




Managed to install it now - is it possible, that there's some problems when installing on a db that's not on localhost?

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Hi Carl:


This weekend will surely try this version. I'll check if it works well, if there any bug, and the Spanish translation.


I would like to especially test, multi-shop option. I think it's something that many users expect.


I will tell my impressions in this thread.


A greeting ;).

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Hi UltraWebDev,

We are still in development so don't panic about performance yet. We already improve a lot that point. Do you still experience low performance with the last SVN version ? Are you testing it on wamp (we notice that PS 1.5 is very slow on wamp but not on lamp or mamp) ?


Hi Dask,

Are you still experience an issue with the installer. We are finishing the new installer, hope you will enjoy it once we will have commited it :)


Hi jesusruiz,

Happy to see that a lot of merchants are waiting for this feature (even if some people said that this feature was not asked a lot :) )


Hi aQs,

This is not the time to ask new features, we are correcting bug now, I don't think we will add new features. But I'll note your request for release after 1.5 stable.

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As Fabien said, it is still an alpha version and a lot of work is being done on the performance. So do not worry about it.


@jesusruiz : Thanks for your future feedback ;) ! It is important for us to know what all the different communities think about it!


By the way, have you had time to test it this weekend ?

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No, I havent had the time to test it this weekend. A live server would be good :-) And I dont realy have time for this I think... I mean, its alpha. What would be important for me is support for the german rights system, a native german gui and other german specific things... Also I would be happy to see better using of the cache, for faster loading of websites. Thanks for your work, from your neighbours from Germany ;) Eduard Gotwig

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Hi UltraWebDev,

We are still in development so don't panic about performance yet. We already improve a lot that point. Do you still experience low performance with the last SVN version ? Are you testing it on wamp (we notice that PS 1.5 is very slow on wamp but not on lamp or mamp) ?


Hi Dask,

Are you still experience an issue with the installer. We are finishing the new installer, hope you will enjoy it once we will have commited it :)


Hi jesusruiz,

Happy to see that a lot of merchants are waiting for this feature (even if some people said that this feature was not asked a lot :) )


Hi aQs,

This is not the time to ask new features, we are correcting bug now, I don't think we will add new features. But I'll note your request for release after 1.5 stable.



It'd actually be quite nice to get some kind of ticker from you guys to know which things to test specifically as soon as you have committed new stuff! Did you commit fixes to the new installer yet?

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Hi Fabien,


We are starting a new project soon and we have some concerns about v1.5 in order take advantage of all the new possibilities.

Is the current theme structure and functionalities the final one ? you where speaking about a skeleton theme at the beginning. For modules, i read something about hooks like following {hook h='hookName'}. When can we expect more info on modules and themes ? It could be interesting to make a note before the launch in order to get the modules and themes ready and fully leverage the new functionalities.


Let me know (by PM) if I can help with that in any way. I have a good knowledge of the ps 1.4 core and I'm currently living in Pairs also ;)

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Hi Pixeles,


Unfortunately, I don't think Skeletton theme will be in the first 1.5 release.

But we are working on how simplify the theme with some members of the team.


For the modules parts (executing hook in theme), do not worry, I'll do a very complete article on what's new for modules :)

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jsherk: thanks for that :-)


Ok, so I have problems with themes/templates.


In 1.4 I had much problems with modules from themes, becouse often themes for <= 1.4 the themes had their own modified version of the standard modules that come with prestashop. I dont know any theme that used the exporter/importer. And in 1.5 I dont even see one (?) . It would be good to have an option in 1.5 to bundle with the theme itself modules that are used by the theme. Often themes for prestashop 1.4 and lower, the manual of the themes say that you have to place the theme modules in the $ROOT/modules directory, what of course overwrittes the default modules from the default prestashop theme. Please make this happen... SO that you can have very many themes/modules installed, and you can switch easily via the webinterface.


THANKS, Eduard Gotwig.

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One of the new features in 1.5 is ability to take orders manually in the backoffice. Does anybody know how/where to access that? I was looking thru the Tabs but did not see it.




Orders -> Add new


And to add; this is really nice!

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@bloggus- Ahh .. I did not see that because its over in the top right! Thanks!


Comment on position of buttons (like SAVE and ADD NEW):

I like the new drop downs in the Backoffice on all the tabs, but having all the buttons (like SAVE and ADD NEW) over on the top right is not my favorite... I usually look in the bottom left first and then in the top left before I look anywhere else because I have a very wide screen (1280px), and that top right location is FAR away from everything else I do, which is usually down the left side or the center of the screen.


I would prefer to see those buttons moved to the left side. For example, on the ORDERS tab, the Add New button should be right underneath the word ORDERS on the left side instead of in never never land on the right.



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Hi, I'm testing live. Compliments to the new "outfit" very clear and tidy. Bugs found I've posted into bugtracker. I'm testing the English version. I was unable to update my 1.5.0. German lang to (post with errors on bug-tracker).


No performance problems found. is not running slower and also not faster on my servers BUT I'm testing only with standard samples and not with my DB of 22.000 products.


As installation in German does not make sense, because translation pack is not available in here (I had it before with and all in English on BO, although German was selected on installation), I proceed with tests on English version.

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I could not set a different price for the same product but in different stores ...


store1.com = ipod nano = $50

store2.com = ipod nano = $65


should i do this from the prices tab?

you can also set prices from the informations tab.

should be 'information' btw ... not plural.



and when does the new theme get applied? :)

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In 1.4 I had much problems with modules from themes, becouse often themes for <= 1.4 the themes had their own modified version of the standard modules that come with prestashop. I dont know any theme that used the exporter/importer. And in 1.5 I dont even see one (?) . It would be good to have an option in 1.5 to bundle with the theme itself modules that are used by the theme. Often themes for prestashop 1.4 and lower, the manual of the themes say that you have to place the theme modules in the $ROOT/modules directory, what of course overwrittes the default modules from the default prestashop theme. Please make this happen... SO that you can have very many themes/modules installed, and you can switch easily via the webinterface.

Unfortunately, this is not something we are working on for now. But it's definitively a good idea.

I'm writing it on my todolist for later.




Comment on position of buttons (like SAVE and ADD NEW):

I like the new drop downs in the Backoffice on all the tabs, but having all the buttons (like SAVE and ADD NEW) over on the top right is not my favorite... I usually look in the bottom left first and then in the top left before I look anywhere else because I have a very wide screen (1280px), and that top right location is FAR away from everything else I do, which is usually down the left side or the center of the screen.

I would prefer to see those buttons moved to the left side. For example, on the ORDERS tab, the Add New button should be right underneath the word ORDERS on the left side instead of in never never land on the right


I understand you disapointment. I got myself a bit lost sometimes. I think it's only a matter of time to get used to it.

I will ask our UI designer if he can find a solution.




I stil don't understand why the one-page-checkput page don't show the payment options when only one country is possible for the customer.

Will that be implemented??


I'm not sure I understood your question. What are you trying to do exactly ?



No performance problems found. is not running slower and also not faster on my servers BUT I'm testing only with standard samples and not with my DB of 22.000 products.

As installation in German does not make sense, because translation pack is not available in here (I had it before with and all in English on BO, although German was selected on installation), I proceed with tests on English version.


We are running performance test on

I think we will be with the same performance as

I hope that with some efforts, we will have better performance on some points.

For the german pack, I will check what happened, you should have had your BO in german not in english.




and when does the new theme get applied?


It is now on the SVN :)




Excuse the question but I am trying to open a store in early January and I'm capturing the products, then I'd do it in 1.5, I guess this update would have fewer problems than if it did from


As Carl said, RC is for january end. So the stable official release will be after january.

If you need a shop early january, you should use :)

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Sorry my english,

I refer to adhere a new product or edit, in v1.4.6.2 reference is used (our reference) and suplier reference (see that does not exist in 1.5).

I refer to adhere a product, version reference is used (our reference) and suplier reference (see that does not exist in 1.5).

Concerning the video, how I can do that?, Treepodia You mean?

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Ahh ok.

No we didn't work on product reference by supplier. You can only enter one reference for the moment.

Concerning videos, treepodia can make videos and post it on your product page, but that was not what I meant.

If you have a video and post it on youtube. You just have to get the embed code (button share) and copy paste the embed code in your product description.


I found a short tutorial here :


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Annex in the description in HTML code, this is how I've been doing, I was referring to the possibility of annexing in extraLeft, rightLeft or footer (in the product).

I think there's a prestashop module addons for this, only that the price seems a little high, I do not remember if it is around 130 euros.

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Hi infoseek,


As Fabien said, improvements need to be done.


It is still an alpha version and it has not been “optimized” yet so do not worry it should be at least as fast as when it reaches gold version.


Carl Favre,thanks for your hard work,we are looking forward for the 1.5 final version :lol:

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I just took a quick look on version in its alpha mode, i was just trying to cover the set-up on multi-store. It seamed after a quick look that it fits my needs, with a perfekt flexibility as multi-store. I guess Prestashop is the only open source solution, becides Magento that offer full flexibility on each store, Prestashop has very user friendly backend, that also sepperate things in a very manageable way. I´m absolutely (from a quick view there) very relieved to give up the setup from a Magento platform a have been trying to set up the past month. Looking forward to the stabile release of


I belive the only 2 open source carts that offers a REAL multi-store function are Prestashop and Magento.


I have the same 20 products, in 5 categorys, on 10 domains, in 10 different countryes. The products are priced different in each country (not only by currency). i´m not in need of manny functions or integrations on the sites.


as i was looking for a "lighter" solution for this, than magentos very "heavy" hard to host solution, i looked at alot of different carts, also Opencart to use a example of how their (and the others), so called multi-store function worked, i would actually had to list the 20 products up in the backend 10 times for each store, and also the categorys. Then i would end up with 200 products, and 50 categorys, instead of having just the 20 products, and 5 categorys listed in the back-end. Thats not "multi-store" capacity. That could be called multi-sites. And in that way i would prefer to run 10 single stores instead.


Could anyone varify if i got the picture correct around the multi-store set up, regarding my issues on products i.e. category set up on prestashop ?


Also, would it be possible to assign a user only to access a particular store there, also just beeing able to see the orders ect. from that store ?


Does anyone have a oppinion around if SEO ranking on google would decrease in a Multi-store set up, compared to a set up on single-shops in the particular countrys ?



I hope this post is posted the right place, and not fall out of the treads prospective.


Merry Christmas



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I will be testing starting tomorrow specifically for the multi store function. Quick question though, if it works great and I want to upgrade when the final is released will any current modules become inactive due to compatibility issues and will my custom theme stay intact?

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Yesterday I tried this version alpha.


I used a local installation with WAMP, and did not work too well:modules are not installed correctly and could not be configured, it was frozen in some menus and options, etc...


BackOffice redesign, it seems right, although I get the feeling that has been copied to Joomla.


The multi-store option, I think it is well implemented, but I see a small fail: it would be good to include a module or one menu bar, like the one displayed by default Magento multi-store.: display all available stores, without having us create this menu.


Many terms have yet to translate into Spanish and Translation errors still exist.


I hope a more stable version to continue my personal review.


A greeting.

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1.)- The new Register Form is very good, very much simple.

- I think need confirm e-mail and confirm password.


2.)- In category-list or search result, it need Sort by:

- Best sales

- Most New

- Most commented

That is basic for store with big several products


3.)- Need show Product per page, example: 10, 20, 30, 40, 50

4.)- Very nice and simple Slide Show in Home Page.

5.)- Very nice BO

6-)- I'm testing v1.5.0.3 and, what happened with "Supplier Reference" in add product?, I use this and think many people


7.)- Multi-upload image in add product is very useful

8.)- Search don't work fine, don't locate Reference or SKU, whatever you call it

9.)- Quantity discount continues to display on the site unless indicated and showing only the percentages, that is not very well, and appears to have an error page of product at different prices to the thumbnails are out of position.

10.)- In general I see many more improvements, congratulations, this being very well this version

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Hi vasekcekal,


Did your report this on the forge ? (forge.prestashop.com)

I can't promise we'll do it (because we have to see if this feature is asked a lot or not). But if you want to have a chance for this feature to be made, you should post it on the forge :)


Hi aQs,


I'm glad you like the new version.

6) Now you can fill a supplier reference by supplier (you can have the same products on differents suppliers) => Suppliers tabs on admin product page.

8) Do you mean on front, back office or both ?

9) You should report this on the forge :) (forge.prestashop.com)


Best regards,

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I haven't time now to do this, but in evening I am going to report it to forge ;)


This thing was also in all 1.4 versions, therefore I hide in my PS fields for login and registration and retained only instatnt checkout :D But costumers have to all time fill in their informations.

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Hi vasekcekal,


Did your report this on the forge ? (forge.prestashop.com)

I can't promise we'll do it (because we have to see if this feature is asked a lot or not). But if you want to have a chance for this feature to be made, you should post it on the forge :)


Hi aQs,


I'm glad you like the new version.

6) Now you can fill a supplier reference by supplier (you can have the same products on differents suppliers) => Suppliers tabs on admin product page.

8) Do you mean on front, back office or both ?

9) You should report this on the forge :) (forge.prestashop.com)


Best regards,


6)- I understand that I can relate to a product with a supplier, but I will not know which is the reference of the product with them, for that I would have to use the same reference in my product, maybe I can explain it, really do not speak much English

8)- I refer in FO, check this is my test shop and here a product with reference, please make a search with that reference and not appear nothing.

9)- I will do that. This is the product with error after use several discount

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Hi Fabien

  1. When are you expecting to launch the stable version? End of January as was mentioned earlier is it possible?
  2. I am waiting for the stable version to move my shops from Osc to Presta. If I start building my site & products on version will I be able to move them without problems on 1.5?

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Hi Fabien .....


1. Now there is Beta version. We must wait on RC1 or RC2 or RC3......... Of course this requires testing and reporting bugs. Even you can help with testing for earlier stable version ;)


Personally, now I had moved my shop to 1.4 because I couldn't wait for 1.5. Later, I will upgrade to 1.5. In my opinion if you don't have to move to PS right NOW, wait for 1.5 ;)

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Thanks vasekcekal


I might have to move one of my sites to soon. latter I want to replicate it to 2 more sites on different domains and was thinking of the multishop feature of PS 15.


I am not sure how easy it will be to move from 1.4 to 1.5. I am already having problems with importing my products to 1.4 and I have to do it manually via the back office as I am not successful with the import. I do not want to loose all my hard work when I move to 1.5

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I had same problems with import from other system ;) I had to add all products also manually in BO to first stable 1.4. Then I upgrade it - firts stable 1.4 to On sites are many instructions how to upgrade. It was OK.




I think you cannot loose products when you upgrade (everytime - make backups for sure), because installer automatically converts database to new version. Problem is /I think/ with compatibility themes and modules from 1.4 to 1.5.

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If I can details on Multistore..

  1. How many stores can we open in multistore feature
  2. Is there a way to use same products but different domains in each stores, without updating each store separately.
  3. On the side if I use same products details with it effect SEO rankings for the domains.
  4. Is there a way to use the same database for each store, is it recommended.
  5. all the stores will be completely independent?



Mecca Books

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I think that could be a good idea add a module in the new Prestashop 1.5 to edit the fields in the costumer registration page.


I believe that many fields of the registration page are unnecessary especially for stores that sell only digital products. Currently to edit the checkout page you need to modify some PrestaShop files and the database. That process requires technical knowledge of the user.


Who agrees? We need a module or an tutorial about this issue

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  • 2 weeks later...

1.5 will have the multi shop. I think we wrote it on blog, newsletter, forum, twitter. How could you miss it ? :P

When do you want to launch your project ? 1.5 version is not stable yet.


I don't have a specific date but probably this year for sure.


My need is 2 shops and each shop with many stock location.

is that possible ?

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I'm happy to (finally) find a layout support in PrestaShop 1.5 !

This is maybe one of the "hidden gems" of this new version. Making themes was really a nightmare without layouts...


I implemented this via a FrontController override, so it will be retro-ported.

I will share it in the free modules section.

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