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  1. I have run the permissions 644 files and 755 folders. And just to be sure i ran them one more time just now.....no change sadly.
  2. Hey Everybody, This whole end-of-life PHP update is really giving me trouble. I was running an old 1.6 prestashop version, when my host force updated from PHP 7.0 to 7.2. Nothing worked and i had to update quickly. Put the whole webshop on a subdomain on my dev site. Updated using the prestashop module to 7.4.4, only had to delete the theme for everything to work. My dev site runs php 7.0 basic, but i also tried running 7.2 on it....no issues on the new site. But transfering it from my dev site to my normal website, made a lot of strange errors appear. Images can't be found, the design looks strange, buttons don't work and so on: www.buongusto.dk I honestly do not see a lot of critical errors, and the example site(buongusto.dk) runs on a system identical to the one on my dev site. Therefore i assume the problems are with the transfer? I am blank for ideas, other than a clean install which will take me days. Would really appreciate help or any possible solutions. Best regards, Niels Ovesen
  3. Ok. Apparently i was a bit too fast on the keyboard. Disabling the "move javascript to the end" only fixed one of the problems, the HTTP response error still persisted. But! The fix Bartek posted did actually fix the HTTP response error. Adding a HookHeader to the source code as Lucian writes, seem to make a double ga.js code in the header on my end, which might cause problems with the data (Send double data). If you only use the fix posted by Bartek, google can find the tracking id but they write: "Tag found outside <head>" which also might cause problems. Therefore I will keep the "Move javascript to the end" disabled. So in conclusion: First use Barteks fix, and replace the source code around line 259 in ganalytics.php: <script type="text/javascript"> (window.gaDevIds=window.gaDevIds||[]).push(\'d6YPbH\'); (function(i,s,o,g,r,a,m){i[\'GoogleAnalyticsObject\']=r;i[r]=i[r]||function(){ (i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o), m=s.getElementsByTagName(o)[0];a.async=1;a.src=g;m.parentNode.insertBefore(a,m) })(window,document,\'script\',\'//www.google-analytics.com/analytics.js\',\'ga\'); ga(\'create\', \''.Tools::safeOutput(Configuration::get('GA_ACCOUNT_ID')).'\', \'auto\'); ga(\'require\', \'ec\');' .(($user_id && !$back_office) ? 'ga(\'set\', \'&uid\', \''.$user_id.'\');': '') .($back_office ? 'ga(\'set\', \'nonInteraction\', true);' : '') .'</script>'; With this code: <script type="text/javascript"> (function(i,s,o,g,r,a,m){i[\'GoogleAnalyticsObject\']=r;i[r]=i[r]||function(){ (i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o), m=s.getElementsByTagName(o)[0];a.async=1;a.src=g;m.parentNode.insertBefore(a,m) })(window,document,\'script\',\'//www.google-analytics.com/analytics.js\',\'ga\'); ga(\'create\', \''.Tools::safeOutput(Configuration::get('GA_ACCOUNT_ID')).'\', \'auto\'); ga(\'send\', \'pageview\');' .(($user_id && !$back_office) ? 'ga(\'set\', \'&uid\', \''.$user_id.'\');': '') .($back_office ? 'ga(\'set\', \'nonInteraction\', true);' : '') .'</script>'; Afterwards disable the performance option: "Move javascript to the end". OR insert a HookHeader in ganalytics.php, like Lucian suggested (Warning: might cause double data). Make google analytics search for the tracking ID again, and everything should work. -NBBO
  4. Hey Everyone. I have had similar issues with google analytics tag not showing since update, but seem to have found the problem (at least for my version): Since the update there have been added the performance function: "Move javascript to the end" The problem with this function, is that it moves the google analytics script to the end of the page. Google analytics tag needs to be in the <head></head> section of the website and not at the end. Disabling this function made google tag assistant register my analytics tag right away. The function has created quite a few problems, and i therefore urge anyone who runs a small-medium webshop to disable it. I am not aware of the extra load time it might create on your site, but i am sure you can find out by yourself. Thank you. NBBO
  5. I have been very frustrated with the csv import problem since 1.5 and have just got it to work in I think a lot of people are frustrated by the fact that not even the downloaded template from prestashop works from beginning. I would have liked to share the template .csv i made, but are not allowed by presta forum :/ But i can give a few hints: - Edit in excel! (+save in excel is fine, but keep format!) - Use ; and , as in the default import setting. - No capital LETTERS!! - Always force ID numbers! If you already have products in the shop, edit the IDs in the .csv file so no 2 IDs are the same. - Images are complicated if creating a new shop, if creating an old, copy the images from the img folder in old shop to img folder in new shop, and set the image url accordingly. With the whole adress! - Some things like friendly url are auto generated from the name. - Some columns needs to be 0< since blank is not a valid value (weight, height etc.) - Leave all dates blank or edit them before import, prestas template dates are 2013 and are not valid! - Create valid categories before import I uploaded 209 products with this edit of the downloadable template from prestashop succesfully, many times! If you make an error, you can always edit the csv, do it again and enable the "delete all products on import" Good Luck, NB
  6. I have been very frustrated with the csv import problem since 1.5 and have just got it to work in I think a lot of people are frustrated by the fact that not even the downloaded template from prestashop works from beginning. I would have liked to share the template .csv i made, but are not allowed by presta forum :/ But i can give a few hints: - Edit in excel! (+save in excel is fine) - Use ; and , as in the default import setting. - No capital LETTERS!! - Always force ID numbers! If you already have products in the shop, edit the IDs in the .csv file so no 2 IDs are the same. - Images are complicated if creating a new shop, if creating an old, copy the images from the img folder in old shop to img folder in new shop, and set the image url accordingly. With the whole adress! - Some things like friendly url are auto generated from the name. - Some columns needs to be 0< since blank is not a valid value (weight, height etc.) - Leave all dates blank or edit them before import, prestas template dates are 2013 and are not valid! - Create valid categories before import Good Luck, NB
  7. Do you only want help changing it into a three column design, or is there more? I do not know the code of this theme, but have never failed changing the amount of columns, therefore i would like to help you if the problem still persists? It should not take that long, and therefore not cost that much. PM me if you want me to help you. Best Regards, NB
  8. Bump.... Would also like to remove the add to cart popup. Turning ajax off, also turns off the drop-down cart animation and other important stuff...
  9. I tried this fix on a fresh install of, but it did not work. Actually it destroyed more than it fixed, since my add to cart buttons now only works on product pages and without animation or popup. A click on the add to cart button on the front or category-page means nothing happening, at least with ajax-cart turned on. My console is giving me these errors, but i am not sure what's wrong: Uncaught ReferenceError: baseUri is not defined ajax-cart.js:307 ajaxCart.addajax-cart.js:307 (anonymous function)ajax-cart.js:133 n.event.dispatchjquery-1.11.0.min.js:3 r.handle
  10. Mange tak for svaret. Ved ikke om Anders har testet alle emails. Det er dog i mit tilfælde alle emails undtagen test emailen der ikke viser tekst, hvilket jeg syntes er meget underligt. Der er altid vedhæftet som minimum et logo, det har jeg nu fjernet, dog uden held eftersom emailen stadig er blank. Har taget et billede af emails sendt efter mine sidste forsøg på at løse problemet, uden held desværre, men måske kan det hjælpe. Har prøvet at skifte til smtp fra php, det løste heller ikke problemet desværre.
  11. Vores problemer er tydeligvis ens, og derfor vil jeg ikke oprette flere tråde, utroligt du ikke kan se det eller har du overhovedet læst tråden? Jeg prøver rent faktisk at hjælpe os begge to, ved at få problemet løst hurtigere. Ved du hvad jeg tror du har? svaret på dette indlæg, bare for at være efter mig. Jeg "troller" ikke i den her tråd, så slap af og begrav den stridsøkse, ellers kan du få min mail, så kan vi tage den der. Ok? Forumet er ikke en børnehave, men et sted man søger hjælp, som jeg så tydeligt prøver på......tak
  12. En den ene og en den anden, men det burde være irrelevant, eftersom der ikke ligger en eneste mail fil eller oversættelse i tema mappen. Bruger også 2 forskellige web hosts, så det er nok heller ikke der den ligger. Bruger du php mail? og hvilken mail udbyder bruger du til at læse mails? Er bange for det kan være gmail der blokere indholdet. Og har du selv oversat dine mails, eller brugte du sprogpakken? Tager lige spørgsmålet for ham, eftersom jeg tror vi har samme problem....
  13. Sikker på det ikke er en højde i headeren der er forkert? eller en margin muligvis? Har du slettet modulet eller bare deaktiveret det? Har du et link til hjemmesiden? Ligner ikke default theme, så det er lettest for mig at hjælpe, hvis jeg kan inspicere koden.
  14. Har det samme problem i en frisk installation af en prestashop webshop, som bruger php mail funktionen. Alle mails sendt indeholder en overskrift, men indholdet er = {no text body} og viser intet, vedhæftningerne virker som sagt. Jeg tror dette er en generel bug, dog i den danske sprogpakke eller prestashops evne til at læse den. Jeg har kørt en version i 3 måneder, hvor alle mails virkede fint indtil jeg oversatte dem til dansk. Mails stoppede helt med at blive sendt i og min løsning var at udskifte swift mailmanageren med den fra, dette fik mails til at blive sendt igen, dog var alle mails som i den friske installation af "with no body". Har ikke kunnet finde noget lignende problem på det engelske forum, derfor regner jeg med fejlen ligger i den danske oversættelse. Kunne forestille mig problemet lå i æ ø å ?....Ville give mening, eftersom det er den eneste forskel udover opbygning og læsevenlighed der er på da og en mail templates. Vil meget gerne have løst dette problem, så håber virkeligt du kan hjælpe prestafan1234, eftersom jeg ikke kan se en løsning og ikke har mail testing sat op i mit lokale server miljø endnu. Måske en start ville være at ændre alle bogstaver æ ø og å, til f.eks ae o og aa, for at se om det løser problemet? På forhånd tak, NB
  15. Using prestashop version After uploading a new version of the webshop, the email system stopped working. Now the Email settings page is just blank, and doesnt seem to turn any errors. Using contact form also returns a blank page, same as BO customer service. Contact form sends a mail to BO, but an answer from BO doesn´t give out any mails. Neither does the mails provided in mailalerts get mails when an order is placed. Seems like all out going mail is out of function I wanted to switch from php mail function to SMTP, but without the email settings page in BO, this seems like a challenge. I think this happened when importing the new danish language pack, but since the pack is 100% translated, i can´t see what the problem should be? Any help is really appreciated, i see this as rather urgent since the shop is online and have been for some time. If anything, just mention how and where i can change the mail function to SMTP. Thanks.
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