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[Solved] "Viewed products" show question mark PS

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I'm running PS, and I just bumped into a strange problem.

If I upload 2 or more pictures per product, then for some products (not all of them) they show a question mark in the module.


I cleaned smarty cache already and img temp. regenerated the .htaccess file (by switching multistore on and off)


But still no luck.


I have the impression that certain pictures dimensions cause this problem, but i can be totally wrong here.


Strange part is, when I switch both pictures (from cover priority) then it works properly, but if I switch back I get the question mark back. Deleting and reloading pictures does not help either.


Problem is, I'm talking about a lot of products that suffer this problem.


Anyone an idea how to resolve this?


See attached files:


Edited by kmxorbit (see edit history)
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Can you check where the missing image points to? (I.e what is the URL of the missing picture?)

Also, when you change the order of the pictures as you mentioned above and the picture shows correctly, what is then the URL of the shown picture?



You site isn't live yet, right? If it is, please provide link.



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It's a live site for a client and he discovered it just now.

I also have a test site (on subdomain of it) which encounters the same problem.




Please visit some products, then check the viewed products.

Some will show question marks.


The strange part is, although all pictures are squares, they did not have the same pixel size. Can that be a reason for this behaviour?


The links for each picture seem to show the correct links. I just don't get it...

Edited by kmxorbit (see edit history)
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Hi orbit,

Can you add my IP address to the list of allowed IP's to your test site. It's in maintenance and cannot get in now...


Do I see correctly that you disabled the module on the original site??



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Hi PascalVG,

  1. I Added your IP address to the test site. You should be able to see it now.
  2. Correct, I disabled the module on the original site. But client is not happy, it doesn't work :-/

Is there anything else you need to investigate this problem?


Best regards,

Kmx Orbit.

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Actually I just found a solution on Issue Tracker (http://forge.prestas...owse/PSCFV-8973). If you have the same issue try changing line 108 of blockviewed.php from

LEFT JOIN '.DB_PREFIX.'image i ON (i.id_product = p.id_product)'.


LEFT JOIN '.DB_PREFIX.'image i ON (i.id_product = p.id_product AND i.cover = 1)'.

Edited by gkorolkov (see edit history)
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Did that work for you? because for me it didn't?

My whole block with viewed products disappear when I change to this code.


Any other suggestion that might help?


hey this should work for you. This is solution for your issue.

Are you sure that you inserted this code well?


To be sure, please paste the code here, we will try to debug it

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  • 2 weeks later...
using this code fix it.
 LEFT JOIN '._DB_PREFIX_.'image i ON (i.id_product = p.id_product AND i.cover = 1)'. 

Unfortunately, it is not so easy. I did it, and blockviewed dissapiered.

However, when I substituted blockviewed with, blockviewed came back and works as it should.

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as i said in other thread this probably because parse error in the code you pasted. You have to be sure that your php code is without bug.


you can turn on error reporting in your prestashop, and then the parse error will appear (and you will see where exactly)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi 2 all of you! :)


Ok... My code is in line 295 and not in line 108 but that doesn't matter (I think).


As I can se i have ...AND i.cover = 1)... but it's not working.




In BO/Modules/Floating viewed.../Configuration - works only number of products to display. Enable/disable and Position is not working/no effect.


- Float Enable - in LiveEdit I can move block only up/down on left side of column (if I chose position - nothing)

- Float Disable - I choose position - nothing.


HELP? :(

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I changed the code to the suggested one but it still doesnt work for me :(((


the URL of the missing picture: http://hoatbui.com/3...i-treadmill.jpg

the URL of the picture on product page: http://hoatbui.com/3...i-treadmill.jpg





you're talkin about different module. we are talkin here about "viewed products" module, you want to fix other one - home featured.

in this case i suggest you to create new thread


thanks in advance

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