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Menu background and font change


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Hard to tell, Can you share (again) the url? You can just right click, inspect element, and see what class they all share. Then target it in the css file (custom.css if you are on 1.7, global.css if you are on 1.6)

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On 7/24/2019 at 2:52 PM, msimballaggi said:

hello everybody, i want to change myauto clicker word unscrambler menu font colors, and size, is there anyway to do it all in one file instead of 1 by 1? the menu is made with leo megamenu


Hard to tell, Can you share (again) the url? You can just right click, inspect element, and see what class they all share. Then target it in the css file (custom.css if you are on 1.7, global.css if you are on 1.6)

Edited by mopakarim5000 (see edit history)
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