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Can't Edit Combinations Multistore Context Version

Bill Dalton

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Seems to be related to this long running bug,

Steps to reproduce the issue with the last version :

1. Enable Multistore
2. Create two shops Shop A and  Shop B
3. All shops selected multistore context => create a standard product => save => OK
4. Try to edit combinations multistore context, => save => SAVE ERROR RED
5. Shop A selected => edit the product created => OK => Click on save => green alert OK
6. Shop B selected => edit the product created => OK => Click on save => green alert OK

So basically you can create the product in multistore context, but to edit the product with Bulk actions context must be set to single shop. Only work around is to do all editing multiple times/once for each shop.

POST http://mysite/index.php/sell/catalog/products/20?_token=FLhiYgOQ-k1IqJct1YKTv-kq9W03QMwgpopN8vcDwBc 500 (Internal Server Error) main.bundle.js:313

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Found a fix that works for me,

Fix for me in PS

Table ps_attribute_group rename field "is_color_group" to anything you like > Save >

Then rename the field back to "is_color_group"

Not sure why this works, I assume it is related to a bad index.

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