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(SOLVED)Adding Links to CMS pages in Block permanent links module

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I'd like to add 2 cms pages and home page links to my Block permanent links module. Can This be done? and how do I go about adding the code?

I don't want to rely on a Navbar module like I've used in the past since their are going to be Three extra links. I will be removing the Sitemap link and Bookmark link.

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I suggest you use the same way of original code.
but you can change style if you know how to do that.

Here is example of your case use CMS page

    <div class="contact">
       <a href="{$base_dir_ssl}cms.php?id_cms=1"><img src="{$img_dir}icon/CMSIMAGE.gif" alt="{l s='CMS TITLE' mod='blockpermanentlinks'}" title="{l s='CMS TITLE' mod='blockpermanentlinks'}" /></a> 
       <a href="{$base_dir_ssl}cms.php?id_cms=1">{l s='CMS TITLE' mod='blockpermanentlinks'}</a>

Where you have to modify following things

id_cms, change it ( here 1) to your real one
CMS TITLE : change to you exactly title of your cms page
CMSIMAGE.gif: create your own image for each of CMS page

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I saw that some of you said to use the original code… is it really necessary? or can we adapt it?

Of course if you know about CSS and want to create your style, you can do that.

Can you give me example? Because i want do this too but I have too little experience.
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    <div class="contact">
       <a href="{$base_dir_ssl}cms.php?id_cms=1"><img src="{$img_dir}icon/CMSIMAGE.gif" alt="{l s='CMS TITLE' mod='blockpermanentlinks'}" title="{l s='CMS TITLE' mod='blockpermanentlinks'}" /></a> 
       <a href="{$base_dir_ssl}cms.php?id_cms=1">{l s='CMS TITLE' mod='blockpermanentlinks'}</a>

Where you have to modify following things

id_cms, change it ( here 1) to your real one
CMS TITLE : change to you exactly title of your cms page
CMSIMAGE.gif: create your own image for each of CMS page

It's OK for me, but when I change language on the Menù the CMS TITLE is not translated. Why?
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