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Categories on front page that do not exist in backend

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So, the weirdest thing is happening on my page, best probably explained in screenshots basically on first screenshot you can see category path in the panel below main menu, and there are 2 categories called "Labore et dolore" that have no business being there. You can actually click on them and they open up, with default theme image and text (screenshot 2).

Now the weird thing: these categories do not show up anywhere else they are certainly not in the back office category list (screenshot 3 and 4). Why do they show up and how to get rid of them?

If you want to check it out, the page is e8shop.sk

Thank you for your replies.




Edited by tomy_11 (see edit history)
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THE "back office category list " does not exist.

Categories are a tree and you see just what is below one branch. It is impossible in Prestashop to see all categories on one page (you can in Prestools).

What you see in the menu is determined by the menu module. You should be able to set it there.


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On 8/24/2018 at 2:34 PM, musicmaster said:

Categories are a tree and you see just what is below one branch. It is impossible in Prestashop to see all categories on one page (you can in Prestools).

What you see in the menu is determined by the menu module. You should be able to set it there.


Of course i meant the category tree, different wording on part, my bad. So I cant find these categories anywhere in the category tree, but they still show up on the page.

About the module part, can you please specify what module do you mean? These categories do not show up in the main menu of the page, they show up just in the little panel below the main menu, that shows you the path to the category youre in.

I dont know if I am explaining this clearly, thats why i added the screenshots. Thanks for any advice you can give me.

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