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Help with Paypal Module

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I am having some problems with the paypal module in v1.0. I have tried installing the fixed version from www.ecartservice.net but I'm still having problems.

I'm testing with my paypal sandbox account. Everything seems to work ok, I go through checkout, am transferred through to paypal sandbox site where I login and make the payment and it all works fine. When I am returned to my shop though it opens at the order history page where I have no orders and the cart still contains the item i just bought.
The money appears in my test account so the paypal side of things looks to be working fine.

I have followed the instructions in configuring my paypal account so I'm not sure what is going on. I tried going directly to the validation.php page in the paypal module (as some users had reported errors with this page in other threads) and it opens blank - which form what I've read is correct.

I'm not sure what to try next, if anyone has any ideas I'd be grateful for your help.

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Yep, I have same problem. When you finished at Paypal and click return to your store. Just come back to customer account page (order history) and it said there is no any order has been placed. I tried couple time, that was last time I saw the website shows the order record with correct amount but it said payment error. I did following the instruction on Paypal module configure. Is there anyone knowing what is wrong with this?


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Me too, I have this problem (fixed files istalled though). I've benn running some tests and when I login with my PayPal account it seems to work fine but when I'm paying with the credit card (no PayPal account), I proceed to payment and when I return to the shop (with button "go back to shop") my cart is still full and I don't have any order in the history :-(
Please help!! Has v.1.1b2 been correcting this?
Why does it seem to work at plenty of shops?? I don't understand...
Can't anyone help on this one???
thanks a lot!!

J'ai le même problème (malgré le remplacement des fichiers du module paypal), quand je paye avec la carte de crédit sur PayPal, quand je reviens à la boutique (en cliquant sur le lien "retour à la boutique" mon panier est toujours plein et je n'ai passé aucune commande selon mon historique. Je me demande si v.1.1b2 corrige ce problème et je me demande aussi pourquoi les boutiques en production ne semblent pas rencontrer ce souci. Souci qui bloque la mise en service du la boutique dans la mesure où PayPal est le seul moyen de paiement.
Personne ne peut aider ???
Merci !

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I've installed v2 beta from your site. I tried placing an order the order has now been created, but it is left with a status of "awaiting paypal payment" even though I successfully completed the paypal transaction in my sandbox account.

There is a single message in the back office summary of the order saying:

(2008-11-17 14:46:26) [Private]: Customer redirected to paypal to complete payment.

So I guess there is some problem with the paypal callback. Is there anything I can do to diagnose the problem??

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Could it be the settings in my paypal account causing the problems? I set it up as per your instructions on the module configuration page but should I have anything in the "Instant Payment Notification" settings part of paypal. I've currently got this set to "On" with the URL to the validation.php file specified.

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Having used in a test environnment Paul's v2 module and in 1.0 and 1.1 Beta 2, I believe it is still the best module for Paypal to be used.

Now, to the issue above, and sorry if that sounds dumb, but I had the same issue once : are you sure you do not have a .htaccess file that protects access to your website with a username/pwd.
Because, in that case, the return instructions from Paypal to your validation.php won't work!
I made that mistake, so just making sure you're not in the same situation.
Hope this helps

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  • 3 months later...

Thankyou ricoum for your obvious but excellent advice about remembering to ensure that the site was not password protected in order to get the PayPal order acknowledgement back.

This obvious oversight has cost me so much time that I thought I should re-enforce the point. While sites are being developed it is quite normal for them to be password protected. And this of course locks out PayPal when they try to update the order status so that the order is visible on return to the site.

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  • 7 years later...
Guest locen

Hi, i use prestashop and paypal 3.10.8

In sandbox mode i see "awaiting paypal payment."

I maie thia test because after 17june paypal will update all security policies. If in sandbox modeni receive this status all will work fine?

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