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Pages Not Found controler=404-admin404


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Can someone help me try and get my head around whats happening with Prestashop's Pages Not Found please.

ver is

the ,htaccess file says:

#If rewrite mod isn't enabled
ErrorDocument 404 /index.php?controller=404

Prestashop's Pages Not Found stats page says:

insert the following line inside .htaccess

ErrorDocument 404 /404.php

"A user requesting a page which doesn't exist will be redirected to the following page: /404.php. This module logs access to this page. "


I get a large number of not found pages with a page name of /index.php?controller=404 but which link to  /index.php?controller=404-admin404 and have no referrer.


So there is a discrepancy between the ,htaccess file generated and the text instruction in the stats page.

And I don't know if the large number of pages not found are related to the .htaccess entry or are a seperate problem.




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The discrepancy is written there: If on your server mod_rewirte is activated, so it will rewrite not found pages to your 404.php site. If mod_rewirte is not activated on your server, or you aren't using friendly URL's the site will be redirected to /index.php?controller=404 , but same error template page will be shown. Your 404-template page.

The instruction is only catching pages, for to be don't loosed. So, if on your stats is shwoing /index.php?controller=404 , instead of /404.php, it doens't matter. It is the same.

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You can simply identify if mod_rewrite and you are using friendly URL by the URL per se.

friendly URL for category for ex.: yourdomain.com/en/56-category

same non-friendly URL: yourdomain.com/index.php?id_category=5&controller=category&id_lang=3

Maybe your stats are writing both on different way, if there is a problem on your rewriting. The page is the same, so you don't need to be panic. All is going well.

If you let me know your URL, I can check for you, if there is a problem on rewriting for this specific page or not.

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