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Logo and background.

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Hi rocky!

Thx for your reply. The problem is i did change line 214 into transparent but that changes the background color of my header and not from the logo. What am i doing wrong? When i look at the logo part in css i dont seem to find a background color.


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thnx for your quick reaction but it didn,t work!

i don,t think is about the saving format of the LOGO, but somewhere in global css? it might be an adjustment in the backoffice of prestashop. I,m just guessing:

The logo is placed perfectly well, but with that white edge on it( i should say, a white background)


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Like you said i changed the logo.jpg into logo.png and i uploaded the logo.png to themes, etcleanblue, img then i went to my admin of the shop and attached the new logo.png but still doesn't work.

It must be something very small i am overlooking. Question: how did you make the change and make a screenshot of it and how do you attach the screenshot into the text above?

btw: The logo background i made in Adobe FW is okay right? I made the background transparent so you see all those grey and white little blocks at the back. So here is not the problem right?

Thank you so much for helping me:)

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You need to place logo.png to root.img folder not themes/etcleanblue/img.

Then open header.tpl from themes/etcleanblue with text editor and find and replace code




and you dont need to do anything more.

then i went to my admin of the shop and attached the new logo.png

Don't do this.
Question: how did you make the change and make a screenshot of it and how do you attach the screenshot into the text above?

With Firebug - Firefox extension, PrintScreen or PicPick program, Attachments bellow text area choose Browse select image, preview post to check .

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Yes i places logo.ng next to loader.gif and 404.gif. I also changed the header.tpl from logo.jpg to logo.png...but nothing

The fact that you could change it does it mean that i change it too? Or is there any possibility that it is just not going to work?
I hope not?!!!

Thanx again razaro

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