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How to add "new" icon/text to new product.

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Hello all,

I am trying to apply an icon or text that says "new" for all products that are NEW.

I managed to place icons for items that are on sale or price lowered by using the following lines of code in themes/prestashop/product-list.tpl.

{if $product.on_sale}
{l s='On sale!'}

However, I can't figure out how to do this for products that are new. I thought the following line would work, but it's not...

{if $product.new == 1}
{l s='NEW!'}

I don't know if this only works on v1.3.x, but I'm using v1.2.5 and I just can't figure it out. Does anybody know who I can get this to work on PS v1.2.5?


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I don't understand why you are trying to add a "new" icon to the product listings, since PrestaShop already has one by default. I have the following on line 8 of product-list.tpl:

{if $product.new == 1}{l s='new'}{/if}{$product.name|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'|truncate:35:'...'}

If the product is considered new (was created within the "number of days a product is considered new" option on the Preferences > Products tab), then a green "NEW" icon should appear.

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Yes like the default one. However, I'm using a new theme and I was missing this line of code in my tpl. After copying it from above, it still does not work. I don't think this has anything to do with the new theme, as I am guessing the workings behind $product.new == 1 is happening somewhere else, perhaps in the /classes folder?

rocky, I was wondering if you happen to know where I can find the inner workings of that line ($product.new == 1). Do you happen to know why this isn't working for me, and where I should be looking?

Much Thanks!

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Hey rocky,

Right after posting the above post, I went a little deeper and noticed that it actually is working... in the products-list under categories, but its not visible in on the new-products.php page. However, when I use that same line of code for products on sale or with reduction (code from first post) these icons/text appear in both the product-lists page and under prices-drop.php page.

Do you know why this is happening? I would like to not have the icons appear under prices-drop.php just like with new products or have new products show the icon/text under new-products.php... I'm just looking for some consistency between these two pages. Do you have any idea how I might go about achieving this?


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