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Displaying Group name of logged customer on blockuserinfo (


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we are using the, and searching on the whole forum about displaying the group name after the name of the customer, but we have't found a solution or a module to do that.

We are using the transformer theme, I tried to add a smarty string to : blockuserinfo.php on the root module folder because there were no php files on theme/module/blockuserinfo folder.

I added:

    'group' => new Group($this->context->customer->id_default_group),


Then I tried to delete the {$cookie->customer_lastname} on blockuserinfo.tpl and nav.tpl on the root blockuserinfo folder and on the nav.tpl on the theme/module/blockuserinfo but nothing happened, it still display the lastname on the userinfo block, so I need to understand were the magic happens.

The idea was to add a string to blockuserinfo.tpl


from this:

{if $logged}
<div class="header_user_info">
    <a href="{$link->getPageLink('my-account', true)|escape:'html'}" title="{l s='View my customer account' mod='blockuserinfo'}" class="account" rel="nofollow"><span>{$cookie->customer_firstname} {$cookie->customer_lastname}</span></a>
<div class="header_user_info">
    {if $logged}
        <a class="logout" href="{$link->getPageLink('index', true, NULL, "mylogout")|escape:'html'}" rel="nofollow" title="{l s='Log me out' mod='blockuserinfo'}">{l s='Sign out' mod='blockuserinfo'}</a>
        <a class="login" href="{$link->getPageLink('my-account', true)|escape:'html'}" rel="nofollow" title="{l s='Log in to your customer account' mod='blockuserinfo'}">{l s='Sign in' mod='blockuserinfo'}</a>

to this:


{if $logged}
<div class="header_user_info">
    <a href="{$link->getPageLink('my-account', true)|escape:'html'}" title="{l s='View my customer account' mod='blockuserinfo'}" class="account" rel="nofollow"><span>{$cookie->customer_firstname} {$cookie->customer_lastname}</span></a>

<div class="header_user_info">


<div class="header_user_info">
    {if $logged}
        <a class="logout" href="{$link->getPageLink('index', true, NULL, "mylogout")|escape:'html'}" rel="nofollow" title="{l s='Log me out' mod='blockuserinfo'}">{l s='Sign out' mod='blockuserinfo'}</a>
        <a class="login" href="{$link->getPageLink('my-account', true)|escape:'html'}" rel="nofollow" title="{l s='Log in to your customer account' mod='blockuserinfo'}">{l s='Sign in' mod='blockuserinfo'}</a>




Edited by phaaze (see edit history)
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A customer can be in more than one group, so you need to decide what to do or show when that happens

as for doing it, I would suggest altering the module so that you obtain the groups the customer belongs to and their names.  Then create a string inside that module code that you want to show in the UI.  Then place that string inside a new smarty variable.  Then change your module template to use that new smarty variable.

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