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Refunded order


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I have a question about invoices on Prestashop. I got an order which was terminated, so I refunded the money back to the customer. But in the invoice I don't see any note about this refund. I need it for my accountant.

What can I do?


Thanks in advance!




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What we do: we print every payment in the invoice. So normally payment amount is the same as invoice amount. If we have a refund, we add the refund payment as payment with negative figures. And the payment information on the invocie reads like this:


Payment: Bankwire CHF 500.00, Bankwire CHF -500.00


It would also be feasible to readout the current order state and in terms it has been cancelled or refunded to add some more text for this condition. This would require some changes in the PDF controller as well as in invoice.tpl.

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What we do: we print every payment in the invoice. So normally payment amount is the same as invoice amount. If we have a refund, we add the refund payment as payment with negative figures. And the payment information on the invocie reads like this:


Payment: Bankwire CHF 500.00, Bankwire CHF -500.00


It would also be feasible to readout the current order state and in terms it has been cancelled or refunded to add some more text for this condition. This would require some changes in the PDF controller as well as in invoice.tpl.

Thank you! I talked with my accountant and this way is fine.



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Insert this code at some appropirate place in your invoice.tpl

        {foreach from=$order_invoice->getOrderPaymentCollection() item=payment}
            {assign var=paycounter value=$paycounter+1}{if $paycounter > 1}, {$paycounter}. {l s='Payment: ' pdf='true'} {/if}
            {$payment->payment_method}: {displayPrice price=$payment->amount currency=$payment->id_currency}
            {l s='Not yet paid.' pdf='true'}
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