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once saved email templates are moved to the wrong directory


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I'm using a custom template.


The template is located in:



Mail templates are located in 



I changed the template name from "mytheme" to "mytheme new name" from the page:


Now if I translate emails templates and I click on save the directory:


is moved to the new directory:

/home/domain/themes/mytheme new name/mails/en/

In this way, the system can't find translations files anymore as the theme is still in the original directory:


I think that the system, when the user clicks on save, looks for the name of the template instead of the selected directory.

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If you really renamed it like this "mytheme new name" => bad naming. Blank spaces in file or directory names can cause many problems.

theme name had blank spaces but the configured directory is not. I think that email translations during saving are using theme's name variable instead of directory's. 

Edited by godlo (see edit history)
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I am not sure if your problem is solved now. If so, add 'SOLVED' to the topic title.

I had never such problems but I never use blank spaces, not for directories and not for theme names. It's just to risky because blank spaces have their own meaning for file related commands such as read, write or copy.

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