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[SOLVED] Can't find database server in step 3 of the installation

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Hi, while installing Prestashop 1.3.1 on PHP 5.2.13 and MySQL 5.0.91 the installer tells me it can't find the database server. I've tested with a simple php file to connect to the database and to select the right database, this test was succesful but still the installer can't find the database server.

Database server name: localhost
Database name: rvspaleis_db
Login: rvspaleis_user
Password: *****

The database exists, so does the user for this database, password is ok too since the simple test is succesful.

I've tried the IP number of the site and I've tried instead of localhost but to no avail.

The code of the test file is:


$link = mysqli_connect('localhost', 'rvspaleis_user', '********');
if (!$link)
   die('Unable to connect to the database server.');    
   echo '
Database found.';

if (mysqli_select_db($link, 'rvspaleis_db'))
   echo 'db selected';


Anyone any idea?

Edit: went on by creating the exact same situation on my local LAMP server and installed Prestashop in a breeze. There are small differences in version php and mysql (5.2.6 and 5.045) but this can't be the cause. Well mailed the provider to see if they can think of anything.

Apparently the troubles were caused by safe_mode = on I requested this setting at my provider because the system administrator guide (http://www.prestashop.com/wiki/System_administrator_guide/) says so. Now we turned safe_mode off and all is well.

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