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please explain this code, params array


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i am reading ps dev book, and on the topic of creating frontcontrollers with SEO friendly URL, i am not understanding the purpose of following code


{assign var=params value=[
'module_action' => 'list',
'id_product'=> $smarty.get.id_product
why are we creating params array and what is module_action
full code
<div class="rte">
{assign var=params value=[
'module_action' => 'list',
'id_product'=> $smarty.get.id_product
<a href="{$link->getModuleLink('mymodcomments', 'comments',
{l s='See all comments' mod='mymodcomments'}




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Below code is used to create (assign) a smarty variable $params so that you can this in code after that,

{assign var=params value=[
'module_action' => 'list',
'id_product'=> $smarty.get.id_product

module_action is one of the keys of value of $params  


so you can access it like $params['module_action'] and the value should 'list'



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No idea where is your sample code comes from and for what purpose.

It seems used to pass a parameters to module hook. You can define and pass any parameters you want.

Who knows what the author was trying to do with that sample code.

You should find out from the book you are reading?
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