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unable to check out on prestashop 1.7

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Hi! I've tried checking out on my store using both the default theme and my custom theme but they both go to an error page "

The www.therepublicmarket.com page isn’t working

www.therepublicmarket.com is currently unable to handle this request.

can anyone advise on what i should do.
This is the link for the store: http://www.therepublicmarket.com/Cheryl/en/
thanks in advance! : )
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Your site is very slow here at the other side of the globe. So testing takes too much time.


A few things you can do:

 - look in the error logs of the server whether you see any error message

 - switch development mode on: https://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/224525-how-to-turn-on-error-reporting-for-debug-information-blank-page-500-internal-server-error/

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Hi! Thanks for your reply! 


I'm still trying to figure out where to view the errors logs for my server. 


But i've tried the debug mode in prestashop and below is what i get when i click on checkout on my store.


This was what i got:


1/1Exception in Container.php line 96:This doesn't seem to be a class name: `logger`.


  1. in Container.php line 96
  2. at Container->makeInstanceFromClassName('logger', array('logger' => true)) in Container.php line 158
  3. at Container->doMake('logger', array()) in Container.php line 171
  4. at Container->make('logger') in ServiceLocator.php line 55
  5. at ServiceLocator::get('logger') in HookManager.php line 68
  6. at HookManager->exec('paymentOptions', array(), nulltrue) in HookFinder.php line 70
  7. at HookFinder->find() in PaymentOptionsFinder.php line 59
  8. at PaymentOptionsFinderCore->find() in PaymentOptionsFinder.php line 95
  9. at PaymentOptionsFinderCore->present() in CheckoutPaymentStep.php line 75
  10. at CheckoutPaymentStepCore->render(array('identifier' => 'checkout-payment-step', 'position' => '4', 'ui' => object(RenderableProxy))) in RenderableProxy.php line 52
  11. at RenderableProxy->render(array('identifier' => 'checkout-payment-step', 'position' => '4', 'ui' => object(RenderableProxy))) in smartyfront.config.inc.php line 94
  12. at smartyRender(array('identifier' => 'checkout-payment-step', 'position' => '4', 'ui' => object(RenderableProxy)), object(Smarty_Dev_Template))
  13. at call_user_func_array('smartyRender', array(array('identifier' => 'checkout-payment-step', 'position' => '4', 'ui' => object(RenderableProxy)), object(Smarty_Dev_Template))) in SmartyLazyRegister.php line 83
  14. at SmartyLazyRegister->__call('smartyRender', array(array('identifier' => 'checkout-payment-step', 'position' => '4', 'ui' => object(RenderableProxy)), object(Smarty_Dev_Template))) in smarty_internal_templatebase.php(157) : eval()'d code line 36
  15. at SmartyLazyRegister->smartyRender(array('identifier' => 'checkout-payment-step', 'position' => '4', 'ui' => object(RenderableProxy)), object(Smarty_Dev_Template)) in smarty_internal_templatebase.php(157) : eval()'d code line 36
  16. at content_58d5205b02b7d6_87400355(object(Smarty_Dev_Template)) in smarty_internal_templatebase.php line 188
  17. at Smarty_Internal_TemplateBase->fetch(nullnullnullnullfalsetruefalse) in SmartyDev.php line 60
  18. at Smarty_Dev_Template->fetch() in CheckoutProcess.php line 110
  19. at CheckoutProcessCore->render(array('file' => 'checkout/checkout-process.tpl', 'ui' => object(RenderableProxy))) in RenderableProxy.php line 52
  20. at RenderableProxy->render(array('file' => 'checkout/checkout-process.tpl', 'ui' => object(RenderableProxy))) in smartyfront.config.inc.php line 94
  21. at smartyRender(array('file' => 'checkout/checkout-process.tpl', 'ui' => object(RenderableProxy)), object(Smarty_Dev_Template))
  22. at call_user_func_array('smartyRender', array(array('file' => 'checkout/checkout-process.tpl', 'ui' => object(RenderableProxy)), object(Smarty_Dev_Template))) in SmartyLazyRegister.php line 83
  23. at SmartyLazyRegister->__call('smartyRender', array(array('file' => 'checkout/checkout-process.tpl', 'ui' => object(RenderableProxy)), object(Smarty_Dev_Template))) in smarty_internal_templatebase.php(157) : eval()'d code line 140
  24. at SmartyLazyRegister->smartyRender(array('file' => 'checkout/checkout-process.tpl', 'ui' => object(RenderableProxy)), object(Smarty_Dev_Template)) in smarty_internal_templatebase.php(157) : eval()'d code line 140
  25. at content_58d5205acc17a4_26546086(object(Smarty_Dev_Template)) in smarty_internal_templatebase.php line 188
  26. at Smarty_Internal_TemplateBase->fetch('checkout/checkout.tpl', null, 'layouts/layout-left-column.tpl', nullfalsetruefalse) in SmartyDev.php line 41
  27. at SmartyDev->fetch('checkout/checkout.tpl', null, 'layouts/layout-left-column.tpl') in FrontController.php line 655
  28. at FrontControllerCore->smartyOutputContent('checkout/checkout.tpl') in FrontController.php line 639
  29. at FrontControllerCore->display() in Controller.php line 221
  30. at ControllerCore->run() in Dispatcher.php line 366
  31. at DispatcherCore->dispatch() in index.php line 28
Edited by tobyisabelle (see edit history)
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You're right. i think that should be the problem. 


I have bank Wire payment v1.0.10 - byPrestaShop installed but it is not showing up in my payment methods.


when i click on active payment, it shows


It seems there are no recommended payment solutions for your country.
Do you think there should be one? Let us know!


there is no option for wire payment at all.

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