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set different header image for each category


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Hi everybody i'm Antonio, i'm new at prestasho and i'm just setting up my web site that is www.umbriacato.it i bought the coffè store theme, is nice but there is a think that i need to do, i want to set different header image on the category page depending on which category are you seeing, could you help me to do this? 


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At store back office - Catalogue - Categories page.

choose any category you want to edit and choose "edit" from action column. you will see category editing page.

on this page you will be able to upload a cover image for the category - this cover image will be your header image.

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It should be possible by javascript/jQuery... script must detect position (for example query in URL)  and than change/add css class with specific parameters. If url query string = "category-name" > change css parameters... This solution will work, if your PS has URL like domain.com/category-name/product




Script for detect string in URL:

var query = window.location.search.substring(1);
if (-1 != query.search('category-name') ) {

	// change css class; add css class or something like that

Edited by HanzCZ (see edit history)
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It seem difficoult i really dont know how to do it, i have found this topic : https://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/60494-multiple-css-for-the-site-depending-on-selected-category/?hl=%20multiple%20%20category%20%20css

it seem the same think that i'm tring to do but it is related to a very old version of prestashop so i dont know if it could work


Smarty solution will be better ofc then my javascript, but do the same thing. Try the tutorial you posted. I don't know smarty variables and assigning them... Maybe blockcategories,tpl or some controllers can be helpful for finding right variables...

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