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Very slow page when i click "Edit product" option PrestaShop


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I noticed that my PrestaShop loads 20-30 seconds, when i click "Edit product" option. Products really can't be edited that way, so i really need to find solution.


I use Google Cloud server with high preformance configuration, so server is not a problem. (CPU usage is 2-4%), all PHP/Apache limits are lifted too.


Thank you for help!

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First enable development mode to see if any errors surface.

Then go to an "edit product" page and let it do it's thing to load. After that, you will notice that at the bottom of the screen there is a bar that gives you more info about how the page performed. Click on the "Total time", it will take you to a page with more info, on the Performance tab. There you can see which requests to server take the most time.

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Thank you very much! That way i was able to see wich request takes very long to load. I noticed that request wich "pull" categories, use more than 1,5GB peak memory (is that normal?).


Any idea how to solve that? I didn't change any core file, no custom modules.

*I noticed one funny thing. When i imported 20.000+ products, importer created additional 19.000 categories (not the right one categories). Looks like PrestaShop 1.7 can't handle that much "main" categories.  Do i need import categories before or after product import? Or better question: Can i delite all categores and import only new one from my CSV file?


Thank you for any help.

Kind regards!


Few other details from debug mode on product edit page:

195858 ms  Total execution time
403 msSymfony initialization
985 msSub-Requests time
1883.51 MB  Peak memory usage
Edited by HugeB (see edit history)
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  • 3 years later...


I know this is an old post, but on Prestashop I have the same problem ! 
When you have a lot of categories, displaying categories on the product admin edition is very very slow (sometimes you just can't edit your product or have to wait 5min +).

SQL requests are slow because of categories number but that is displaying form widgets who makes such very long time too enable product edition. When I comment these lines in  src/PrestaShopBundle/Resources/views/Admin/Product/ProductPage/Forms/form_categories.html.twig, I can load the page properly but this is not a solution. 

Anyone can help me with this problem please ?? I have this bug on several websites and I did't found any solution...


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