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Change the text of Pay by bank wire (order processing will be longer)


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i have tried many way to get rid of this "Pay by bank wire (order processing will be longer)"  on bankwire module.


i have tried the following and still can't get rid of that.


1) Localization> translations>installed module> bankwire  *** i do not see the text field of Pay by bank wire nor (Order processing will be longer.  therefore, no where to change!


2) public_html/modules/bankwire/views/templates/hook/payment.tpl 
   i edited the the string and remove the sentance of "order processing will be longer" and tried to clear the cache. still no change!!!


anyone knows ???





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Thanks Shokinro !


it's really the override issue.


i have one more question about the translation.  why some of the text are not shown up on localization>translation?

for example, the module of bankwire, in the admin translation it shows only 15 text that can be edited. where are the rest?

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i think i chose the right theme.

please see the below images. 


in the admin translation, there are only 15 text that i can edit.


but in en.php file, there are actually more than 50 text.


most of the text are not showing up on the admin translation for most of the modules.




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