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Game Codes Manager Module autosend email to costumer

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Hallo everybody


Thanks for taking the time to read my wishes.


Is there anybody WHO can configure this module to autosend email with codes that are autoordered at codeswholesale.com


Right now, when a costumer buys a code, it automatically ordred and shows on ordersite backoffice.

My wishes is that it can be automatically sent when payment accepted.


Can anybody give me an offer for configuering this?


Best regards


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this is how modules like that should work, for example this one module to sell cdkeys


From what i see - unfortunatley module from codeswholesale does not have this feature (!).

So, simply saying this requires custom development for this module because it just does not support it


it will be necessary to develop feature that will:

- after order and payment - check status of the order

- if order status will be marked as "paid" - send email to customer with code


the best will be option to do this while order status is changed, so it will be necessary to send codes immediately.

(you can use hook actionOrderStatusChange)

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