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I need a certain xml file te be full secured with SSL

Ed van der Meer

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I have SSL installed and all of my site is secure except for one file I need for Price-feed.

Here is the url with needs te be secured. I have looked and found many items but none of them is regarding this particular issue.

I have https://www.applesupported.nl/modules/gshoppingflux/export/googleshopping-s1-nl-EUR.xml

But When I or Twenga reads this URL is says not secured.


What can I do to have it secured?


Thanks Ed


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In the main module file (gshoppingflux.php), there is a function named generateXMLFiles which appears to create that URL. 

if (Configuration::get('GS_GEN_FILE_IN_ROOT', 0, $shop_group_id, $shop_id) == 1)
    $get_file_url = $this->uri.$this->_getOutputFileName($lang['iso_code'], $currency->iso_code, $shop_id);
    $get_file_url = $this->uri.'modules/'.$this->name.'/export/'.$this->_getOutputFileName($lang['iso_code'], $currency->iso_code, $shop_id);

And then there is this code, which I've never seen used in such a way before. It looks like there is an attempt to create HTTP or HTTPS, depending on what the current protocol is

$this->uri = ToolsCore::getCurrentUrlProtocolPrefix().$this->context->shop->domain_ssl.$this->context->shop->physical_uri;

If you are certain that you can force this to always be HTTPS, you might be able to change that line to the following.  I have not tested this, so make sure you test it well

$this->uri = 'https://'.$this->context->shop->domain_ssl.$this->context->shop->physical_uri;
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In the main module file (gshoppingflux.php), there is a function named generateXMLFiles which appears to create that URL. 

if (Configuration::get('GS_GEN_FILE_IN_ROOT', 0, $shop_group_id, $shop_id) == 1)
    $get_file_url = $this->uri.$this->_getOutputFileName($lang['iso_code'], $currency->iso_code, $shop_id);
    $get_file_url = $this->uri.'modules/'.$this->name.'/export/'.$this->_getOutputFileName($lang['iso_code'], $currency->iso_code, $shop_id);

And then there is this code, which I've never seen used in such a way before. It looks like there is an attempt to create HTTP or HTTPS, depending on what the current protocol is

$this->uri = ToolsCore::getCurrentUrlProtocolPrefix().$this->context->shop->domain_ssl.$this->context->shop->physical_uri;

If you are certain that you can force this to always be HTTPS, you might be able to change that line to the following.  I have not tested this, so make sure you test it well

$this->uri = 'https://'.$this->context->shop->domain_ssl.$this->context->shop->physical_uri;


So my guess is that is not the problem. It has to be something else what's causing a browser to show this:

Connection is not secure!

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