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Totally removing header from invoice pdf?

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Tried to do that by disabling or returning null everything related to the header in the tpl files and the htmltemplateinvoice class, the pdfgenerator class but no luck.

Even when displaying nothing the invoice is keeping the blank header row and the summary tab is starting under that.

Except from fumbling with the tcpdf class I have no other idea.

Maybe someone did that already?


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Yes, I did.

It removes the header content but it leaves the blank margin to the top appearing as an invisibile header.

I have tried modifying the layout in the htmltemplateinvoice, still the same.

Removing the header content is possible by a lot of ways but removing the blank top margin/space isn't :-(

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  • 7 years later...

The key is the second parameter (40) of the function setMargins() in writePage() in PDFGenerator.php

40 is the top-margin of the main content (body). This is the space ocuped by the header. Reduce it to 0 to remove the header


    public function writePage()    {

        $this->setMargins(10, 40, 10);


In versions  <1.8 this parameter was 20.

In versions >=1.8 this parameter is 40



Edited by Tomás Crespo (see edit history)
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