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How do I make cart rules work for specific categories?

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Hi, I hope you can help me out please?


Just a few questions.


1. I have selected the categories that i would like the voucher to work in, but the voucher still works when I select a product that is not in one of the categories that I setup in cart rules.


I there something that I have missed? How do I get the voucher to work in just the categories that I have selected?


2. When a voucher is used, I take it that the voucher is only applied to the products/categories selected in cart rules and not the entire cart?


3. How do you use "Selected product(s)" under "Actions" in Cart Rules?





Edited by stoosh (see edit history)
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Thanks NemoPS


I have done what your tutorial shows (the tut is great), but vouchers can still be applied to products that are outside the scope of the voucher, I don't know why that is? For example. I have selected all the products exept one. When I add that one to the cart and then apply the voucher, the voucher is applied to it.


Do you know of any reasons why that would happen?



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