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How to create new order in backoffice and search for company name


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I have been trying to make an override for the search function in the backoffice so I can search for "company" in ps_customer. If someone calls we can not expect them to know their account e-mail or name. Anyone else had a problem with this?

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If you are going to use the same Customer Search field on Order Creation (Add new order) page, then you will need look into 




When you enter something, it calls ajaxProcessSearchCustomers() method of above class.


And inside the method, you will it call Customer::searchByName($search, 50).


So you will need override searchByName()  method in file /classes/Customer.Php

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If you are going to use the same Customer Search field on Order Creation (Add new order) page, then you will need look into 




When you enter something, it calls ajaxProcessSearchCustomers() method of above class.


And inside the method, you will it call Customer::searchByName($search, 50).


So you will need override searchByName()  method in file /classes/Customer.Php

Thank you! Solved!

class Customer extends CustomerCore

     * Light back office search for customers
     * @param string $query Searched string
     * @param null|int $limit Limit query results
     * @return array|false|mysqli_result|null|PDOStatement|resource Corresponding customers
     * @throws PrestaShopDatabaseException
    public static function searchByName($query, $limit = null)
        $sql_base = 'SELECT *
                                FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'customer`';
        $sql = '('.$sql_base.' WHERE `email` LIKE \'%'.pSQL($query).'%\' '.Shop::addSqlRestriction(Shop::SHARE_CUSTOMER).')';
        $sql .= ' UNION ('.$sql_base.' WHERE `id_customer` = '.(int)$query.' '.Shop::addSqlRestriction(Shop::SHARE_CUSTOMER).')';
        $sql .= ' UNION ('.$sql_base.' WHERE `lastname` LIKE \'%'.pSQL($query).'%\' '.Shop::addSqlRestriction(Shop::SHARE_CUSTOMER).')';
        $sql .= ' UNION ('.$sql_base.' WHERE `firstname` LIKE \'%'.pSQL($query).'%\' '.Shop::addSqlRestriction(Shop::SHARE_CUSTOMER).')';
        $sql .= ' UNION ('.$sql_base.' WHERE `company` LIKE \'%'.pSQL($query).'%\' '.Shop::addSqlRestriction(Shop::SHARE_CUSTOMER).')';

        if ($limit) {
            $sql .= ' LIMIT 0, '.(int)$limit;

        return Db::getInstance(_PS_USE_SQL_SLAVE_)->executeS($sql);

Edited by jonas (see edit history)
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