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No payment modules have been installed.... again


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Hey everyone,


I'm getting this error "No payment modules have been installed." that many have gotten in the past. 


The strange thing is that I remember it working once. 

The store is onyl in the US, and the restrictions are set properly it seems.

I tried uninstalling, deleting and reinstalling again... nothing happens. This even happens with the simple "Bank wire" module. 


Obviously, I looked at all of the other posts, but nothing helped....


What can be the problem? I would appreciate any help - I have a tight deadline! :)



Edited by roroPrestashop (see edit history)
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Are you using the OPC? Or 5 steps checkout? In any case, try with the one step. Try to kill the bankwire module, displaypayment method, right at the beginning, with d('test');
if you see the text when you reach the payments page, then try to move the debug down after some conditions, and see where it breaks

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Hey Nemo1


Using OPC. 

I don't see a dispalypayment method. I have this: hookDisplayPaymentEU, but I do see that it is "positioned" in a hook called "displayPayment"... but there is no call to register that hook.

what is d("test") anyways? I just tried to add an "echo" in hookpayment method but nothing seemed to happen.


Mu main goal is to run only Authorize.net module

Edited by roroPrestashop (see edit history)
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Is the eu compliancy module installed and enabled? displayPayment should also be there, actually, you can try hooking bankwire to it and see what happens. Also, switching to the 5 steps would make debugging easier

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Haha - I just found the problem! You inspired me to dig deeper! Did I mention it's 1:40 AM ?? 

I apparently created an override for the method _getPaymentMethods inside OrderOpcController. But I didn't duplicate the entire method so it got stuck. Argh, that was stupid!

But at least I found the solution! 

But since we're talking :) If I only need to override something small inside a method, is there a way to do that or do I need to copy the entire method? 


Thanks again!

Edited by roroPrestashop (see edit history)
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