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How to fix large DB files not being backed up with 1-Click Upgrade?

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SInce I was getting no answer by using an existing thread I am compelled to start a new one. sorry.


I am having a problem with the autobackup of the connections table.  It has been saying table has been saved but the number is not counting down for over an hour.  I am just wanting to make sure of what I have read, here and in other posts.


The best way to get around this problem is to truncate this file (I assume this means cut down it's size. Not 100% sure how that works.) or delete it all together.


What is lost if you delete this file? Where do you delete this file from? I have made a FTP backup of the server.  I have not backed up any databases as I could not figure out where to do this.  A stickied post here refers to a cpanel that seems to be nonexistent in our version.


I am upgrading from 1.5.6 to current. 


Gonna be a hit with the boss.


-New guy on the job about to get fired


EDIT: I did find the database backup utility on my version (not in the cpanel) but it crashes every time. Yes the store is in maintenance. 

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A cannot figure out, what you are trying to do. To fix crashed tables on database you should use a specific program on your server. As I'm not fan of phpMyAdmin, I use Heidi-SQL for to maintain databases. There you have the possibility to search for broken tables and fix them at once.


Also in Prestashop 1.5. there is an option for to save database, if you are trying to make a back-up. You will find it on tab: advanced parameters -> DB back-up. For to avoid that the file is getting big, it will be automatically saved into the format zip.




The 12-click-upgrader is also saving db in zip format, which is not big. So I don't understand what is going wrong on your server. gzip not installed, proper configured ?

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OK as the last line in the post states I found the DB backup tool.  It does not work as it crashes every time. (Can not remember the error right this second.)


What I am trying to do is upgrade from to current.  I am using the back up utility included in the 1-click upgrade.  When the backup util gets to the connections table it stalls on that file.  There are a few other thread about this and they all state to delete or truncate this file.  I have no idea how or where to do this.


When I say I have no idea I mean for example, where is the DB located to look at?  I install the program, HeidiSQL, you speak of but if I have no idea where to point it to open the DB it is of little help.  


Also what is the consequence of deleting this file?  

Edited by Zedster (see edit history)
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If the database is too large, than you should delete all the statistics for to make it smaller. Use free "delete connections module". https://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/90075-moduledelete-connections-v22-save-space-on-databaseoptimize-all-tables-for-more-speed-ps1216/


with 1-click the database is not saved solo, it is a package and you will find it on FTP at /youradminfolder/autoupgrade/backups. Solo backups (only database) you will find at FTP /youradmin/backups.

If you delete the file, you cannot rollback.


Heidi-SQL has a support page. You can read there all tutorials on how to configure. Is the same configuration as for filezilla or putty. You need to establish a connection to database (filezilla is for FTP only).


BTW if your server cannot save back-up due to bigness, than it should be better configured. How many products are in database ? How many customers, how many orders ? I'm running a Shop with about 10.000 products, 3.000 filteroptions and several customers and orders and I'm not facing any problem on backups (unless the module 1-click has bugs).

The module 1-click is up to date ?


Your server configuration should be:


  • magic_quotes_gpc = off
  • memory_limit = 256M (better 512M - PS 1.6.)
  • max_execution_time = 300
  • max_input_time = 300
  • upload_max_filesize = 20M
  • post_max_size = 20M
  • max_input_vars = 10000
  • allow_url_fopen = on
  • safe_mode = off
  • cURL installed
  • mod_rewrite = on
  • mod_security = off
  • php 5.3+ (for PS 1.6. better 5.4.5+) - PS 1.7. over php 5.4.
  • mySQL 5.5 +
  • LINUX servers (we don't suggest to use Prestashop on Windows servers, due to the fact that you will have several problems with permissions and a never ending adaptation each time you install new modules).
  • cageFS or other server FIREWALL = OFF
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OK it has taken me this long to get the server set up right. Had to move the site to a newer PHP version server.


I can get to the connection table now.  What happens if this file is deleted? Do I need to back it manually then and restore it after the upgrade?  Are there other tables I should be aware of? 

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OK it has taken me this long to get the server set up right. Had to move the site to a newer PHP version server.


I can get to the connection table now.  What happens if this file is deleted? Do I need to back it manually then and restore it after the upgrade?  Are there other tables I should be aware of? 


selectshop.at provided you this answer already...

If the database is too large, than you should delete all the statistics for to make it smaller. Use free "delete connections module". https://www.prestash...e-speed-ps1216/


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