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Stop index redirection (and keep a custom index page)


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I need to have my store accesible only from the url mysite.com/index.php, while mysite.com must open a different, custom page instead.

This is because I need to password protect the whole site except for a tmp homepage.

I've tried to edit .htaccess by adding these lines:


#Alternate default index pages
DirectoryIndex different-index.htm

AuthGroupFile /dev/null
AuthName "Private Area"
AuthType Basic
AuthUserFile  /path/to/httpdocs/.htpasswd
require valid-user

<FilesMatch "^different-index\.htm$">
Allow From All

it partially works, but after I do the login with htaccess, the site is redirected to different-index.htm...

How could I get rid of this redirect?

Any help would be appreciated, thanks


Edited by beepow (see edit history)
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