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Prestashop Module Development


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Hello everyone, I'm reading this book:



I have a problem.


The book guides you in creating a module that allows users to add a comment in the product screen.

I got to page 32 which explains how to view comments.

I can enter and view the written comment, but every time I refresh the page, the comment is duplicated automatically.

Any of you know the book or know how to solve this problem? Thanks in advance.


This is the displayProductTabContent.tpl file


Thank you

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as @kalifsoup has mentioned, when you refresh the page, actually the form will be submitted again, usually you see a confirmation popup window from browser about the re-submit the data.

here what you can do to avoid this 

1. after process the data, redirect to URL to the same page, so even user refresh the page, it will not resubmit the data again,

2. change to use ajax to post data and process in ajax method, only update the page partially instead of post whole page back

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Thanks for both answers.

I do not know very well ajax so I would not know how to do.


I know the html but still I can not fix, I tried to rediret to the same page after sending data, but if I refresh the page, the last comment continues to duplicate itself endlessly.

I tried to put in action the address, or the onSubmit method, even the hidden input type, but still nothing.

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Unfortunately I have not an experienced programmer, but I just noticed that it is a general problem. Even when I subscribe to the newsletter and then I update the page without typing anything, the module tells me that I have already registered, because it resends the data.
So it's not a problem of my module?
This is the php files of my module


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