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Images Disapeard - Admin Page Error 404


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I don't seem to have much luck with Prestashop at all.  


Yesterday all images on my Prestashop install turned into question marks, and the admin page is now a Prestashop Error 404 page.  I've double checked that I'm using the proper address for it,  I have a second install running on the same server, in a different account that is working just fine.  No changes were made to the account, however PHP was updated on the server to 5.6.  I'm not sure if this was the cause though as the other PS install is working just fine.  


How do I go about fixing this?

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Hey Nemo.  


Yes, both installs are virtually identical.  Same version of PS, same theme, same module's. Just different products.  One works just fine, the other is having issues.


If I prefix the .htaccess with an underscore, I can regain access to the admin panel, but the homepage throws a 404 error.  


I was able to corret the problem just after I created this thread by copying the .htaccess file from the working domain and placing it in the non working domian.  That seemed to fix the issue.  Until today - I'm back to square one and no modifications or changes were made.  

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