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Google Analytics Api - Multistore


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There are MANY threads about issues with this module.
Guess what, here is another one!!
I am starting to get really sick by trying to get this module working on my multistore installation
PRESTASHOP: When there is an official module, and you see threads ALL over the forum, where people are having BIG problems making this work - maybe you should do something about it?
There is no way in hell this module is going to please ANYONE before it actually works.
I can't count how many hours I've been sitting to figure this out.
It is working on my "main" store, but the "slave"-store will not get approved. No matter WHAT I do, it keeps telling me this:
Google API Authorization granted but access token cannot be retrieved

Cannot retrieve test results
I know I have done things correctly by setting it up in the google console, and making the OAuth credentials and so on. If this was wrong, my other store wouldn't work.
I'm very close to actually drop prestashop to magento, just because of this issue.
A merchant must be able to access simple statistics in the stores.
What am I doing wrong??

Edited by Gomlers (see edit history)
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  • 1 month later...



This is typical prestashop.


An important module, but no answers :(

Tried to contact the developer for the Google Analytics module, but he just pointed at this forum and told me to ask here, as he was not in charge of the google api-module.


No one seems to care about this at all. In the mean time,  it's a bit#%# to check statistics, and prestashop default stats is of no use at all..


:( :( :( :(

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello!? Bump this..

Please, can the developer look into this?


I have now tried to open a totally new Google account just for our second store. Gone through the exact setup as the module-tutorial says - and used the correct credentials, analytics-profilenumber.


Still - nothing, although it works for our first store (the "master-store")

Cannot retrieve test results
and sometimes this shows up:
Google API Authorization granted but access token cannot be retrieved
Cannot retrieve test results
Analytics is getting traffic and showing correct stats.
Edited by Gomlers (see edit history)
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  • 1 year later...

So, here we are - about 1.5 years later.

Still NOT working to set up Google API for multistore.


Is THIS what prestashop is - just  a money-machine for selling addons, and not a single person who is interested in fixing modules that don't work?


Anyone have any experience with magento?

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  • 5 weeks later...

Encontré la solución para que funcione el módulo de Google Analytics API con multitienda, os la pongo por si os sirve de ayuda, de gapi.php hay que cambiar de las lineas 142:

'redirect_uri' => $shop->getBaseURL(true).'modules/'.$this->name.'/oauth2callback.php',


'redirect_uri' => Context::getContext()->shop->getBaseURL(true).'modules/'.$this->name.'/oauth2callback.php',

 y de la 168:

$params['redirect_uri'] = $shop->getBaseURL(true).'modules/'.$this->name.'/oauth2callback.php';


$params['redirect_uri'] = Context::getContext()->shop->getBaseURL(true).'modules/'.$this->name.'/oauth2callback.php';

Espero que os sirva de ayuda, lo pongo en español por si hay alguien más buscando lo pueda encontrar en ambos idiomas.

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Thank you htienda for coming with a solution!

However I can unfortunatelty not get this to work either. I tried immediately once I saw you had some code-examples.

I changed the two lines like you said. Logged into https://console.developers.google.com made a whole new Credential set with OAuth client, and added the client ID and secret to the GAPI module.

Still it shows:

Google API Authorization granted but access token cannot be retrieved
×Cannot retrieve test results

And now - I officially give up.


Prestashop 1

Gomlers 0

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