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[Solved] Issue With Selecting Language In Frontend

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Hey all


so like mentioned in the title there's a problem selecting the language in the frontend.

I'm using the module "Language block" version 1.5.

After selecting the language, the side loads with the selected language, but when clicking on any link or refreshing the page, the language resets to default language.


I've already cleaned the cache, force compile is on, options like "Set language from browser" and "Set default country from browser language" are disabled.


I've played around with every setting.. regenerated the htaccess file, cleaned my browsers cookies and cache files.. A friend of mine has god the same issue with the language setting.


Maybe there's something wrong with my server's settings, because it is definitely not a theme issue, I've tested 3 different themes..


I'm using default-bootstrap, php version 5.5.3..


I already searched the web and nothing of the mentioned helped, so maybe anyone can help me here?

Edited by vortex360 (see edit history)
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For all having the same issue, that the language resets to default language after refreshing the page here is the solution:


- find the file "settings.inc.php" in your "config" folder

- find the line "define('APS', 'ON');"

- and just delete this line, or comment it out with # or //



//Edit: can anyone set this thread to SOLVED? i can't find the option to do this

Edited by vortex360 (see edit history)
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