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Paypal Expess Checkout Not Charging Tax On Paypal Usa, Canada

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When ever someone checks out with Paypal Express Express Checkout from the PayPal USA, Canada module within my state...two "payments" are created. One is for the amount and a separate one for the tax. They are only prompted to pay the first one. So they advoid paying the sales tax that we need to pay to the state. This only occurs with Express Checkout for an item shipped within our state where we collect a sales tax. Any ideas or are there any fixes for this? We are using version 1.3.9 of this module.

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  • 1 year later...

This is a bigger problem than just PayPal unfortunately. I've just found out that it is doing the same thing  on my site and we're using Authorize.net AIM. It is creating 2 "payments", but only charging the main one to the customer. It is reporting that it is charging it, but upon checking with Authorize.NET they are not receiving the 2nd request for payment for the taxes. Did you ever find an answer to this one?

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