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Problem after upgrade to 1.6

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Dear Friends, 


Good day, 


Kindly, I have small problem after upgrade from 1.5 to 1.6 version. I have missing index.php in two roots:


Updated files (2)
  • admin5407/autoupgrade/index.php
  • admin5407/autoupgrade/backup/index.php

I add them manually but it does not work. I checked many forums they had same problem before. Some of them fixed the issue by editing the php.ini file. I have created one php.ini file and disable the Magic quotes: 


magic_quotes_gpc = Off

magic_quotes_runtime = Off

magic_quotes_sybase = Off


But it still not working. 


Could you please advice me to solve it.


Thanks in advance



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Now I can see the error:


Current theme unavailable "default". Please check your theme directory name and permissions.
at line 259 in file classes/controller/FrontController.php

254. Tools::redirect('index.php?controller=authentication'.($this->authRedirection ? '&back='.$this->authRedirection : ''));
255. }
257. /* Theme is missing */
258. if (!is_dir(_PS_THEME_DIR_)) {
259. throw new PrestaShopException((sprintf(Tools::displayError('Current theme unavailable "%s". Please check your theme directory name and permissions.'), basename(rtrim(_PS_THEME_DIR_, '/\\')))));
260. }
262. if (Configuration::get('PS_GEOLOCATION_ENABLED')) {
263. if (($new_default = $this->geolocationManagement($this->context->country)) && Validate::isLoadedObject($new_default)) {
264. $this->context->country = $new_default;
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