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Interact with the DB in new PHP file

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Hi, I need to run a Cron Job that will modify a DB table depending of the city that was selected by the user in the registration.


First I'm making the queries that will update or insert rows in the DB. I don't know other way to access and modify the DB in Prestashop without a creating a new PHP file. So, this is working:


include '../config/settings.inc.php';
include '../config/defines.inc.php';
include '../config/config.inc.php';
include '../init.php';

$query = "SELECT DISTINCT `id_group` FROM "._DB_PREFIX_."group_lang WHERE `name`='blabla'";
$result= Db::getInstance()->ExecuteS($query);

But I added the file to /public_html/js because is the only place I found that could be accessed from the browser. I'm sure there's a better way to do this without putting the PHP file in the JS directory, but I don't know how. Please help.


Thanks for the response!

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