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Multistore + SSL with Prestashop ? BEWARE

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DON'T MAKE same mistake which i've did - i've chose Prestashop for my stores, well multistores with SSL certificates.

Now they are messed UP because Prestashop multistore feature and SSL handling is ONE BIG BUG

There is a double redirect bug (read here: https://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/461666-double-redirect-with-ssl/)  in such a situation which cannot be fixed AND no one from prestashop care to fix it

I guess whats most important now to collect % from modules sales on addons and nothing more

I would never use prestashop if i would know that it has so terrible bugs, i've paid web developer, web designer spent a lot of time to launch stores and voila - double redirect - which is messing UP SEO and causing page to load slower PLUS some pages wont load because of this double redirect !


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Enrique: google is also redirecting from .com to for example .pl (in my case) - and so what ? this is completely different thing


you realize that http and https is two different urls for google so for example links (pagerank) has to be passed twice and i dont even know if its possible to double pass pagerank !

if you have SSL and multistore then here is how it looks: you enter https://domain.com you're redirected to HTTP://www. because this is main domain in multistore and then to https://www.

do you understand that ? SSL - no SSL then again SSL - insane

TOTALLY FUC... UP -  this is a BUG and a SERIOUS bug im BEGING someone from prestashop to fix this since MONTH- nobody cares, so why should i be 'respectful' when i lost money time and my store is now looking like shit ? and my pagerank and seo propably will be damaged ? nobody told me that, just put large banner in front of prestashop.com - DONT USE IT IF YOU HAVE SSL CERTIFICATE - or DONT release software with such a huge bugs

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  • 2 months later...

zaglebie - I know how you feel, trust me. I was many times at a stage to nuke the PS HQ, such mad I was. But hey, it's free and opensource, you don't pay for this, you pay only for the modules or themes (which are hellofanexpensive!).


To be honest, my next multistore e-shop would be custom made exactly according my needs... when I win a bank to pay the developers :-)

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And just to finish the idea - most probably there is a problem in your configuration settings, since I was able to configure multistore with multidomains and SSL enabled, and just to not having things easy, everything is behind loadbalance proxy :-)


So... the system itself is able to work properly, it just needs some time and experience to figure it out.


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  • 10 months later...

hey @zaglebie. i feel the same way with PS sometimes but try to find the exact issue and i feel a lot of people on the support forums will be glad to help you. at the end of the day it is all code and it can be fixed. alternatively find a developer / contract and they will be happy to do the work if they are receiving payment for it. i understand your frustration though as i have been there and wil be there many times in the future, but what helps me is that it is only code and it can be fixed.

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