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CSV Import not working anymore after modification of AdminImportController.php


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Hi guys,


All i want is to import my customers' password from the old store to a new one. I have modified settings.inc.php and copied the COOKIE KEY from the old one to the new store. I tried to import the customers using the CSV import tool, but during the import process prestashop changed the password for some unknown reasons (BUG?) even if the 2 COOKIE KEY were the same. So i decided to modify ../controllers/admin/AdminImportController.php and I changed:


if ($customer->passwd)
$customer->passwd = Tools::encrypt($customer->passwd);


if ($customer->passwd)
$customer->passwd = $customer->passwd;


even if i restored the old version of this file, the import page is not working anymore. It seems that the javascript and css are not working properly. I have canceled my cache and the one of the store as well. Nothing changed  <_<

Here a screen of the CSV import tool:



can anyone help restoring the CSV import tool? thanks!

Edited by cloud25 (see edit history)
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I don't know about Prestashop changing the passwords.


What I do know is that you could export and import the customer table with phpmysqladmin. 


If there are changes in the customer id's you could easily solve that with an extra table and a bit of php and sql.

Hi musicmaster thanks for your answer. Unfortunately, the problem I am trying to solve at the moment is the CSV import tool that is not working anymore. Thanks for your suggestion though

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I don't think you need to change the 'cookie'


this is used for pwd: config/settings.inc.php


define('_RIJNDAEL_KEY_', 'put your from shop value here');



Thanks for your answer it works. However, the real problem is that when importing customers prestashop encrypt the passwords which is a bit idiotic; because no one should have the passwords not encrypted... 

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Thanks for your answer it works. However, the real problem is that when importing customers prestashop encrypt the passwords which is a bit idiotic; because no one should have the passwords not encrypted... 


I agree


please open forge report here



then please post back here the link to forge report for others to follow/vote up/comment.  thanks!

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