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Invoice PDF - How To Change Order Of Invoice Address

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In my invoice.tpl file i can see that the order details appears in the invoice.pdf via the command: {$invoice_address}


BUT this is fixed by default to appears a specific order of details:


Name LastName


Postal Code, City



How can i change this order of details to make it have the address on top of the order?


Thanks a lot guys!

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In my invoice.tpl file i can see that the order details appears in the invoice.pdf via the command: {$invoice_address}


BUT this is fixed by default to appears a specific order of details:


Name LastName


Postal Code, City



How can i change this order of details to make it have the address on top of the order?


Thanks a lot guys!


It is about Address format. Go to Localization > Countries and change Address format for every country.

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Thanks a lot. I found the solution before 5 minutes :)


Can you tell me if is possible to add labels in my invoice.pdf before each detail?


For Example if i want to make it like this:



ADDRESS: Address

P.CODE/CITY: Postal Code, City


its hard for me to do it because in invoice.tpl use only this variable {$invoice_address} to pass the details.


i tried something ike this {$invoice_address.address1} or {$invoice_address->address1} in order to put a label in front of each variable but it doesnt work.


Can you help? Thanks a lot!

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No, it is not possible. The $invoice_address variable is created by the AddressFormat::generateAddress function.


You can create new address data for every address field (like firstname, lastname, ...) and use them in your template instead of {$invoice_address}. So it would look like:

{l s='Name:' pdf='true'} {$my-firstname} {$my-lastname}<br />
{l s='Address:' pdf='true'} {$my-address}<br />
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When a user buy a product from my store then the invoice send to him automatically of course. How can i get his firstname,lastname,address,etc dynamically to insert these details in my invoice.tpl? Which command i have to use? As i told you before i am trying to use something like this{l s='Name:' pdf='true'} {$invoice_address.address1} or {l s='Name:' pdf='true'{$invoice_address->address1} but it doesnt work. How can i create new address data?


Really Thanks!

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