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Attribute value organization

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Hey All,


I have a problem that I can't seem to find any clear answers for. First I am running PS SkiandStuff.com


I need to be able to QUICKLY and EASILY arrange my Color Attribute Values in Alphabetical order. I would like this to be set up to be done automatically. Unlike other business in the ski industry colors change on a yearly basis nothing is simply Red or Green its Acid or Azure and currently i have 345 different colors and Ski customer know the specific colors so I can't simply change the color to Red it needs to be the exact name for that year. currently when you add a color value it is assigned a position number and goes to the bottom of the list, how can this be changed from position number to alphabetical? It take WAY to much time to change the positions one by on. I have do it using PHPmyadmin which moves a bit faster but I need a real fix for this issue as i said we change colors very often. I need the changes to be in affect on both ends back and front. (especially front for the customers easy access)




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