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Orders not shows correctly after update...

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Hi need some advice

i have recently updated and found a problem....

i inserted my old db into the new installation upon completion of installation ..as you do..

only to find that when a pre-existing customer places a new order the only record that i have to this order is the paypal email i receive, (it does not show in the orders panel, no emails received).
I then have to click into the customer tab find the customer who ordered, click into details and find the order in the orders window, (see img 1)

if i then click the order it shows me the order details with a payment set to awaiting bank wire transfer, also in the order summary the product detail is 0.00 and only the shipping shows along with the total..(see img 2)

further down the the order page in the product summary box no summary details appear...(see Img 3).

if it is a new customer creating a new account etc it works as it should, product updated, emails received etc..

any advice would be appreciated..

hope i have provided concise and clear documentation to this problem...




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I have not came across the same problem sorry. The help here is offered for free - in my case I just don't have the time overwritting a new installation with an old database (I don't even know what presta version did you had before and after) and then check what happens.

So in my opinion help will come if someone is familiar with your problem.

Till then what was the version of the prestashop for your old database? and what's the version of your new prestashop?

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Ziggy, I hear you...but they do a "great" job moving a post submitted on the wrong forum and letting you know about it.
I had all kind of problem upgrading from 1.1 to 1.2.5.
- check the languages to see if you are missing some files.
- if you overwrote the "mails" put the defaults one first, then overwrite them 1 by 1 and test.
- I tried to check the difference between my DB and a "new" default prestashop DB: I'm still waiting for an answer on that post.
- I had phantom order from Paypals (they were recorded on paypal, not presta): I deleted everything and recreated my setup in prestashop and paypal...it seems OK BUT you must keep "Consider the associated order as validated" for the status "Payment accepted"...

hope that will help

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hi i think i did but i need more testing with live orders ...

i just uninstalled the bank wire module in the payments module section.... and my test orders worked o.k
but will need to verify with real orders....

to fix the cms for orders that have come through and show no detail i.e picture 3 you need to manually update the order_detail table in the db via Navicat etc.. some of the information you need will be found in the orders ps_Orders table i.e id_cart etc

Hope that helps for now ... as i said before not sure if its fixed permanently...time will tell....

let me know how you get on with testing this fix

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  • 2 weeks later...

After returning from Paypal, the order is still in the cart. I tried with and without Paypal IPN and it doesn't make any difference, though I think maybe with IPN enabled the order would disappear from the cart afterward. However, either way it doesn't show up in the backoffice orders history so it doesn't matter.

I have actually resorted to editing the order-confirmation.php redirects to point to a CMS page explaining that the Prestashop paypal interface is broken and that they should not expect to see the orders show up in their history. Sad.

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Drag. I'd be willing to do the debugging but Paypal is so screwed up right now I can't even get a Sandbox account working again. Some known problem or something that they haven't fixed yet.

Thanks for the reply and I'll be monitoring this thread

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  • 4 weeks later...

Just an update on this error ....

it only occurs for me when a customer orders the last item in stock.. if i have 2 in stock and the customer orders one i have no problem what so ever....

Hope this helps to resolve the issue ... obviously a db problem...

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i tried to update from 1.1 to 1.2.5 an it was nightmare. so many problem. cart not working, all clients DB list gone, orders list gone, so many things out of place that i quited, i went back to older version, thank god i did a backup first....

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