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How to highlight products that are, already, in shopping cart?

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I wonder if you guys could give me some hints and tips to highlight products that are in the customer's shopping cart and be updated/refreshed everytime the customer add a new product.


I was looking at produt-list.tpl and i figured out that:


    1) I can change the CSS to show a different layout for images already in cart;


        1.1) {if} inCart() then class=A, else class=B {/if}


        1.2)  Using PHP, I can, maybe, create a static method in Cart class that returns wheter a ProductId is in the cart.


        1.3) HOWEVER, after reviewing the source code, I still have no clue of how the "click" on 'Add to cart' button works. I mean, the product-list.tpl is invoked again to refresh the page? Only the "hooked" Cart module / box is refreshed?


If you guys could give me some hints it would be awesome.


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I am not sure I understood your question, you mean you need to know if a product is in the cart already, while clicking add to cart?
As a starting point, if you use the ajax cart you should inspect the "add" method of ajax-cart.js (theme folder/js/blockcart/js, or blockcart/js)

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I am not sure I understood your question, you mean you need to know if a product is in the cart already, while clicking add to cart?

As a starting point, if you use the ajax cart you should inspect the "add" method of ajax-cart.js (theme folder/js/blockcart/js, or blockcart/js)


And, if the product is cart already, then change the class (.tpl) of the product's image so it appear as "Selected"/"Highlighted".



EDIT: I inspected the ajax-cart.js and the .tpl files and i got a better understanding of the funcionality.

What i don't understand yet, is how can i tell the "Product-list.tpl" page to refresh and "style" the product image according to its existance in the cart.



Thanks for the help

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after grabbing the json data with all cart products (and it seems you did). Use an each look to go through them. Inside that, something like (use the correct variable, I used product.id_product as an example)



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after grabbing the json data with all cart products (and it seems you did). Use an each look to go through them. Inside that, something like (use the correct variable, I used product.id_product as an example)





Hi Nemo1,


I am a bit confused how the code you suggested should work.


1. Should i put it in line ~363 of the file "ajax-cart.js", at the end of the funcion add(), in the end of the sub-funcion successful()?

2. Can you link me some guides/documentation to better interpret your statment? These methods "parents()" and "addClass" must be written somewhere, right?


3. I tried to put the code as in step 1, with no visual results.



Really glad that you can help : )


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Thanks all for the help.
I managed to learn JQuery and change the class(CSS) of some HTML tags whenever an Item is added to my Cart.
Thanks all for help

EDIT: Another question.   :unsure:

Is there a way to re-evaluate the .tpl file?
I mean, when i click the "add-to-cart" button, it should re-evaluate my following php/.tpl code:

<a id="alreadyInCart{$product.id_product|intval}">
		($cart->containsProduct($product.id_product, $product.id_product_attribute))
		{l s="Already in cart"}: {$cart->getNbOfOneProduct($product.id_product)}

Or this is only achieved through PHP code in "cart-ajax.js" file?

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Now i have a question regarding AJAX. It seems that using ajax i ought to be able to refresh my "Product-List" page without using "location.reload".



 Reading the code of "ajax-cart-js" in line ~300 it has the following code:

			type: 'POST',
			headers: { "cache-control": "no-cache" },
			url: baseUri + '?rand=' + new Date().getTime(),
			async: true,
			cache: false,
			dataType : "json",
			data: 'controller=cart&add=1&ajax=true&qty=' + ((quantity && quantity != null) ? quantity : '1')
					+ '&id_product=' + idProduct 
					+ '&token=' + static_token
					+ ( (parseInt(idCombination) && idCombination != null) ? '&ipa=' + parseInt(idCombination): ''),

Can you, please, tell me how Prestashop knows what PHP file uses to handle this request?





EDIT: by testing, i think, somehow, it calls the following function from "CartController.php"... but i still dont understand how and why


  * This process add or update a product in the cart
 protected function processChangeProductInCart()
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  • 3 weeks later...

It's this one




Defined in header.tpl, sending these values


data: 'controller=cart&add=1&ajax=true&qty=' + ((quantity && quantity != null) ? quantity : '1')


That is why it calls the cart controller




I am looking in the CartController.php file and, if I am not mistaken the AJAX POST with that data = "controller=cart&...." will invoke the method CartControllerCore."public function postProcess()"?



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