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Horizontal Menu Add and Remove not working

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I've been having real problems with Prestashop 


I'm trying to use the horizontal menu module in the BO. version 2.0.5


I had a fully functioning menu and I wanted to change one item.  I removed it from the list on the left and then tried to add a new link.  I could no longer add and then when I refreshed my page, all my items had been removed except one.  


I have been having other issues in other modules similar to this....so it may be a bigger issue than just this module.


I'm new to prestashop but have been using WP and Joomla for a few years but not a developer so any help is greatly appreciated.


I have tried on both Chrome and Safari.


***Resolution: Advanced Parameters>Performance>Disable All Overrides under Debug and it works again.  Still trying to figure out which override caused this***

Edited by jillmandy (see edit history)
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I to have an issue with the Top Menu. After a point of adding categories to the Multistores, the categories disappear altogether from the Top Menu add options and they play up in other selection areas. The heading Categories is there but that is it. So you can not add your product category to the sites that don't already have it added and you can't change it on the others.



The following errors aren't related to selecting the categories as far as I know.

Error Log:

PHP Notice:  Trying to get property of non-object in /home/site/cache/smarty/compile/6b/de/ff/6bdeffb29bc7cbb12931a33864db4f2f00c77a1e.file.blocktopmenu.tpl.php on line 133

$("#search_query_<?php echo $_smarty_tpl->tpl_vars['blocksearch_type']->value;?>


PHP Notice:  Undefined index: ENT_QUOTES in /home/advantag/public_html/site/cache/smarty/compile/6b/de/ff/6bdeffb29bc7cbb12931a33864db4f2f00c77a1e.file.blocktopmenu.tpl.php on line 76


<input type="text" id="search_query" class="enterkey autoclear" name="search_query" value="<?php if (isset($_GET['search_query'])) {?><?php echo stripslashes(htmlentities($_GET['search_query'],$_smarty_tpl->tpl_vars['ENT_QUOTES']->value,'utf-8'));?>

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please turn on error reporting, 

then try to add some new menu item

do you see some error messages then? (related to database for example)


I did as you suggested and still the same result with no errors.  I selected a menu it, click add, the button turns blue but the item doesn't move over to  selected items section.  I've even tried double clicking the item from the available items section but again nothing.  

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Thanks El Patron but I can't even save that option.  Keeps reverting back to never compile.  This happens all the time in other areas too.  I just don't know what to do....should I reinstall?


the most likely cause of configuration values returning to original values is duplicate names in table configuration.


use PHPMYADMIN, open table ps_configuration, for smarty compile, see if PS_SMARTY_FORCE_COMPILE appears twice...if so delete the 2ND one then go back and try configuration in bo again.

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the most likely cause of configuration values returning to original values is duplicate names in table configuration.


use PHPMYADMIN, open table ps_configuration, for smarty compile, see if PS_SMARTY_FORCE_COMPILE appears twice...if so delete the 2ND one then go back and try configuration in bo again.

I only found it once but should it have a value of 0?

Edited by jillmandy (see edit history)
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yes this is set to file system but I can't turn it off either.


holy moly!


yes, file system is great, well until we want to change things. :)...but you seem to have a lot of hair to pull out yet.


using ftp: open file config/settings.inc.php



define('_PS_CACHE_ENABLED_', '1');


define('_PS_CACHE_ENABLED_', '0');

then reupload to your shop.


btw: in 98 more posts I become legend...hopefully they won't all be here..jajaja...chin up..it's all a learning experience.

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Ok I was able to get the Cache turned off but attempted the steps above, to set to compile when updated and still the same results.  


Luckily I am a patient person....for now.....;)  This is definitely a test.  Thanks for all your help, it's great to know there are nice people on here willing to help out!

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this is great community with many that help, we hope you return and help others.


now seems like a hosting cache issue, i.e. many hosting companies implement some sort of caching (typically varnish).  This may be causing you an issue.  


I'm not sure I have more educated guesses.  


btw: out of the box, on proper hosting and without 'us' doing anything to muck it up, ps does not have issue.  So one must look at anything they may have done or that hosting may be doing.

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I believe you may be right.  I tried something the other day (changing text on the cart) and it worked but when I tried to change it a second time it wouldn't....however it would the next day....so maybe it's something on the server side.  I'll look into this and if that's the case I'll post here so others that may know...>:) 


Thanks for all your help.

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I believe you may be right.  I tried something the other day (changing text on the cart) and it worked but when I tried to change it a second time it wouldn't....however it would the next day....so maybe it's something on the server side.  I'll look into this and if that's the case I'll post here so others that may know...> :)


Thanks for all your help.


please let us know what you find out...and you are very welcome.

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Well I still haven't had much luck.  It was working perfectly until yesterday.  there were a few updates, wish I remember what I updated yesterday so maybe it's conflicting with one of those.


I was able to change the cache to compile with update through the database.  If anyone else has any ideas, please let me know...for now I will disable to the top menu and see if I can figure something else out for it.


I just tried downgrading the module to force and update but that didn't work either.


I posted a bug with Prestashop to see if any thoughts there.  I'll post back if any results from it.

Edited by jillmandy (see edit history)
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