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Shopping Carts not working.

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I have installed. It is an upgrade from 1.5.x.x 


I tried to check on an abandoned cart today and I was unable to. This worked fine before upgrade. I have tested a bunch of other abandoned carts and I can't view any of them either.


In Chrome I get a white screen and nothing happens while using IE I get a 500 error.


As far as I can tell the store is working fine otherwise.




Does anyone have any suggestions? Is this a known issue?

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Thank you. I fixed it.


When I turned on error reporting I was getting three errors. The first two were Use of undefined constant _RIJNDAEL_IV_ and undefined _RIJNDAEL_KEY_ so I switched to Blowfish and they went away. Those were unrelated to the shopping cart issue.


The issue was the third error - Fatal error: Uncaught --> Smarty Compiler: Syntax error in template and it pointed to line 39 of view.tpl.


The specific error is variable template file names not allow within {block} tags <-- thrown in /home/public_html/tools/smarty/sysplugins/smarty_internal_templatecompilerbase.php on line 12



My view.tpl is modified but not by me. I've tried overwriting it with the original view,tpl from Prestashop and the problem is solved but the module claims to need the altered version. If I instal the version from the module it stops working.


I guess I need to contact the developer. Thanks for the help.

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