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Getting products from external system via Web Service


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I need something like this: I have a trird party ERP system with products.

Now i want to get products via Web Service meaning I want to replace every select from PRODUCT table with Web Service call. It seems that I only need to change the file product.php.

Is it possible and reasonable?

Let me clarify what I want to achive: table with products is empty  and every time I need a product or list of product I call Web Service for exmaple: WSGetProduct('TEST_PRODUCT').

I know I can import product from csv file but it's not an option here.

Any help will be appreciated.

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There are too many places in Prestashop that have references to products for you to be able to manage this. 


You are far better off creating a process to retrieve the products from the remote service, and load them into your database, and then keep them in sync

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There are too many places in Prestashop that have references to products for you to be able to manage this. 


You are far better off creating a process to retrieve the products from the remote service, and load them into your database, and then keep them in sync

I've thought about this but getting products was just an example. I'm far more interested in getting product's availability - in ERP system it changes all the time and I want it in real time.

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