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Solved - Don't want invoices

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No, the prestashop generates a pdf file, that the customer can download.


I don't want this pdf.



But about your answer, I also dont' want that the customer receive an e-mail with the invoice, where can disable the e-mail?



I make the invoices with our "office" software and I can not have a different invoices. 

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regarding to the invoices download,

you can remove download button from .tpl file


order-detail.tpl located in your theme directory

		<i class="icon-file-text"></i>
		<a target="_blank" href="{$link->getPageLink('pdf-invoice', true)}?id_order={$order->id|intval}{if $is_guest}&secure_key={$order->secure_key}{/if}">{l s='Download your invoice as a PDF file.'}</a>

remove code that i pasted :)

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also you can remove invoice column from history.tpl file (the same directory)

						<td class="history_invoice">
							{if (isset($order.invoice) && $order.invoice && isset($order.invoice_number) && $order.invoice_number) && isset($invoiceAllowed) && $invoiceAllowed == true}
								<a class="link-button" href="{$link->getPageLink('pdf-invoice', true, NULL, "id_order={$order.id_order}")|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}" title="{l s='Invoice'}" target="_blank">
									<i class="icon-file-text large"></i>{l s='PDF'}


<th data-sort-ignore="true" data-hide="phone,tablet" class="item">{l s='Invoice'}</th>
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