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manufacturers list problem

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I am having a problem with the manufacturers list showing all of my manufacturers.

It will show in the Block hooked to left. I changed the name of the block to Shop by Brand... it worked just fine.

I just went in and was doing some testing before I launch the site,, and when I click on shop by brand,, it will display 10 of my 25 manufacturers,,,, no option for grid view,,, nothing,,,,


Website is www.e-cigshoppe.com

Please if anyone has an answer to this I would greatly appreciate it!



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In that case you can try modifying the manufacturercontroller, protected function assignAll() method, have a look at 


$data = Manufacturer::getManufacturers(true, $this->context->language->id, true, $this->p, $this->n, false);


ANd try changing this->p to 1, and this->n to 999 or so

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I have found the code you are talking about, but which am I actually changing?


I just want to make sure I am changing the correct thing,,,, don't want to screw something up.


Am I just replacing the p with a 1 and the n with 999?



protected function assignAll()
              if (Configuration::get('PS_DISPLAY_SUPPLIERS'))
                         $data = Manufacturer::getManufacturers(true, $this->context->language->id, true, false, false, false);
                         $nbProducts = count($data);
                         $this->n = abs((int)(Tools::getValue('n', Configuration::get('PS_PRODUCTS_PER_PAGE'))));
                         $this->p = abs((int)(Tools::getValue('p', 1)));
                         $data = Manufacturer::getManufacturers(true, $this->context->language->id, true, $this->p, $this->n, false);



I am also having some issues with a few other minor bugs, that I can't seem to figure out..

Can I pick your brain or hire you to help me... Please let me know,,,, I am sure they are small issues, just am not finding the cure.

Edited by bburrer77 (see edit history)
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This one


$data = Manufacturer::getManufacturers(true, $this->context->language->id, true, $this->p, $this->n, false);


You might have to get rid of the other $data (before) and pagination, as it's useless


anyway sorry but I am not currently available :(

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I tried this,,, and it blank screens my Manufacturers page.... I think I am doing something wrong,,,,



Is there someone you suggest that I could have help me out?


I have this problem, my fedex module does not work even though it is configured and connected, and free shipping will not go away in the cart,,,,,, I have tried your fix from your website,, but it does not work on mine.


anyone you could recommend to me,, I would greatly appreciate it.




Edited by bburrer77 (see edit history)
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I have turned on errors,,, it is not giving me an error...

I turned on errors the you describe in your post.... I get nothing,,,, I am a newbie, lol! , maybe I am doing something wrong...


ALWAYS TURN ERRORS ON! config/defines.inc.php set PS_MODE_DEV to true!

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Update,,,, I have fixed this manufacturers problem and the fedex shipping issue....

I am still having the problem with the free shipping always showing in the cart and the add to cart popup when your not logged in

( would like it to say Login to view shipping, or just nothing at all when your not logged in).

 Also the handling fee not being added to the shipping price.

( Just trying to add a $1.00 handling fee,,,, have put it in shipping module for usps and fedex, as well as told the carrier to show shipping and handling, as well as set it as $1.00 in shipping/shipping options in BO) ...

if I need to make a new topic,,, I can,,,

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